A análise econômica indicou reduzido custo de produção do derivado, cerca de R$ 0,20 (vinte centavos de real), para cada 100 ml. O iogurte de leite de búfala constitui-se excelente derivado e pode ser usado como alternativa em Programas Especiais, financiados pelo Governo, com vista à redução da fome de comunidades de baixa renda, pois possui elevado valor calórico/proteico, baixo custo, utiliza matérias primas regionais, além da geração de renda e trabalho, através do incentivo à produção leiteira e à fruticultura regionais.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE:Amazônia Oriental, derivado lácteo, fruticultura regional.
YOGURT BUFFALO MILK FLAVORED WITH MANGO (Mangifera indica L.): SENSORY ACCEPTION AND PRODUCTION COST ABSTRACT:The objective was to develop and evaluate buffalo milk yogurt flavored with mango (Mangifera indica L.), tropical fruit widely consumed in the North Region, Brazil. Buffalo milk (Bubalus bubalis) was subjected to heat treatment (95 °C/5 minutes), cooled to 45 °C and inoculated with 2.5% lactic culture, followed by addition of sweet sauce prepared at 35% mango pulp, 35% sucrose and 30% water, homogenized for five minutes. The day after the elaboration, the derivative was subjected to sensory evaluation, with untrained. The analysis showed good acceptance, with an average score of 7.4. As for intent to purchase 47.3% of the judges, of course buy the product, 26.4%, may buy, and 26.3% would not buy. The economic analysis indicated reduced cost of production, about US$ 0.20 (twenty cents) per 100 ml. Yogurt buffalo milk is excellent and can be used as an alternative for Special Programs, funded by the Government, with a view to reducing hunger in low-income communities, because it has high fat/protein, low-cost and used regional materials, in addition