Dramatically different beliefs about justice will produce dramatically different methods for achieving justice. The beliefs underlying the traditional Indigenous restorative justice systems, systems that dramatically differ from the Europeanbased system practiced in fhe USA are presenfed. The discussion highlights fhe legacy of colonialism for tribal communities and fhe resilience and creative resistance thaf have continued fo characterize fhe spirit and ingenuity of Indigenous peoples.Traditional Native American justice is rooted in notions of relationship and dialogue rather than adversarial dispute, harmony and balance rather than proof and guilt, and renewal rather than punishment. (Peat, 1996) Mosf scholars esfimafe fhaf fhe US indigenous populafion af fhe fime of European 'discovery' (1500-1600) numbered 2-5 million (Snipp, 1989). By 1890, fhaf populafion had reached a low of 228,000, due largely fo fhe infroducfion of communicable diseases for which fhey had liftle resistance, but to which Europeans had developed immunities across generations (e.g. smallpox, cholera, diphtheria, bubonic plague, influenza, fyphus, fyphoid, measles, and scarlef fever). Massive populafion losses left Indigenous communifies even more vulnerable to increasing colonial incursions, adding to the loss of life fhrough milifary invasions and massacres, famine, and slavery. As colonial power grew, increasing levels of hegemony were imposed. Warfare and conftnemenf prevenfed fhe growing and gathering of food and reduced once self-sufficienf communifies fo dependence, often resulfing in sfarvafion. Legislafion and milifary presence affecfed every aspecf of life, prohibifing self-govemance, spiritual practices, fradifional mefhods for dispufe resolufion, and communal land ownership. Forced removal and acculfurafion of successive generafions of children added fo fhe violenf mefhods used fo confrol and desfroy Indigenous Nafions and culfures (O'Brien, 1989).During fhe early colonial period (1600s), fhere were more fhan 600 fribes fhroughouf Norfh America, each wifh unique fraditions and languages. Despite this cultural diversity, fhese tribal communifies shared a common worldview regarding family and communify. Whereas fhe prevailing culfure of European colonizers was *Corresponding aufhor.