In connection with our previous investigation,'-' we found ourselves faced with two further problems, the significance of which we should like to emphasize in this report. First, there is the question whether workers in polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-processing industries are liable to suffer occupational damage, and if so, to what extent and under what conditions. The major problem, however, is whether a causal relation exists between working in PVC production and the formation of malignant tumors with lethal results.The term "PVC-processing industries" is here taken to mean those sections of plants where various stabilizers, colors, and bulk materials are added to and mixed with the basic PVC powder. The resulting material then undergoes further processes, in which, for example, heated rollers are used to shape it into foil or squares. In these last-mentioned processes especially, gases, fumes, and smoke tend to develop.So far, medical and work histories of 15 workers employed in this type of plant were investigated. In all of them dermatological examinations and the following laboratory tests were performed: complete blood cell count; platelet count (i.v. blood); erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (Westergren method); serum electrophoresis; serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT); serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT); blood urea nitrogen; and Australia antigen. In 9 of the workers a bromosulphalein (BSP) test was performed and in 10 reticulocyte count was determined. X-ray films of the chest, both hands, and feet were taken in 12 of them, and in 11 a liver-spleen scintigram (using ""Tc-sulfur colloid) was performed.The workers were employed in PVC processing an average of 5 years, individually between 1% and 13 years. These workers had the following complaints: 7 had sensations of pressure and/or pain in the upper abdomen; 3 had frequent dizziness; 2 complained of cold hands and feet snd 1 of increasing weakness in his legs.Clinical changes such as scleroderma-like skin changes or Raynaud's syndrome were not observed. On the other hand, the following pathological laboratory findings were obtained (TABLE 1): in 7 patients, slight to moderate thrombocytopenia with figures ranging between 63,000-1 39,000/ pl; in 7 patients, increased BSP retention of 5.2-1 5.