The article substantiates the role of the digital transformation of higher education in Ukraine in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. There was proven the need to develop the strategy of the university education digital transformation, as well as the formation of new information and communication competencies. According to the authors, the strategy of digital transformation of the university education system has to include the modernization of corporate IT architecture management, which should be implemented as a cloud-based platform. The authors analysed the main possible directions of the educational services transformation and the accompanying business processes. The use of blockchain technology for the educational content management module construction is proposed. The integration of the educational content management modules of different Ukrainian universities should become the basis for creating a global cloud-based platform for higher education.
In the last few decades, the topic of sustainability has become more and more widespread, which is logically explained by its relevance, given the environmental conditions and challenges posed by climate change. However, there are many contradictions and controversies regarding sustainable development. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to try to understand the true essence of sustainability as a concept. As a subject of research, no less relevant, one might say, even a “fashionable” industry today, the renewable energy was chosen. It is on the example of the latter that we try to explore the “reality” and the “possibility” of sustainable development.
The object of research is the state as an economic agent of innovative development. The analysis of scientific achievements on the issue of the state innovation and investment activity stimulation and the study of the state from the standpoint of the innovative development subject forms a fairly clear idea about the mechanisms of activation of them both, at the same time, the motives for the state to stimulate innovation remain not fully covered. The state itself is not interested in stimulating the innovation and investment processes and in transition to sustainable development. This interest is mediated, as for any other economic agent, by imbalance and/or obtaining additional economic effect in the form, for example, budget expenditures reduction; tax revenues growth, managerial staff optimization, etc. And, crucialness of purely liberal nature of any controlled influence on the system mediates that state regulatory activity should be based on the economic benefit of the agent, as opposed to the political motives of nominal adherence to the generally accepted course of development. Well-known trajectories and patterns of administrative and economic activity of the state give grounds to assume the following main economic motives for stimulating the innovation process: – increase in tax revenues (fiscal motive); – reducing the burden on the budget; – GDP growth; – increasing the country's competitiveness; – optimization of administrative costs and management staff; – attracting program financing and investments. Prominent among which is the increase in tax revenues or fiscal motive. It can result in several areas: – from the standpoint of additional taxes due to the increase in effectiveness of legal entities innovative activity – the expansion of business activities; types and volumes of sales of products and services; increase in the number of enterprises; increase in the cost of sold products; profitability, etc.; – from the standpoint of additional taxes due to better development of the workforce – higher employment; higher wages, etc.
Introduction. The issue of understanding the patterns and factors of economic growth is reflected in the work of scientists, politicians, historians and publicists from antiquity to the present. The economic system is transforming, at the same time evolving partly randomly, and quantitative changes often precede qualitative ones. Systems of this type are characterized by the bifucarial nature of development, i.e. a change in the qualitative behaviour of such dynamic nonequilibrium systems with a slight alternative to their parameters, bifurcation points (transition or progress) of which are the economic crises, and the equilibrium state is only a certain moment in their movement and development. This nature of evolution is decisive for the whole set of complex multicomponent nonlinear systems, represented by a multiparameter set of dynamic systems of lower order, which include economic ones. However, this typology automatically means a logical problem of finding patterns of their movement and development, given the difficulty of predicting the reaction of this type of system to the impact and change of their parameters. The aim of the article is to substantiate the optimal innovative model of the economy based on the determination of a key factor of economic development. The methodological basis of the research is dialectical analysis, the method of studying the causality of phenomena, determinism in the study of systems, theoretical and logical generalizations and hypotheses. Results. The characterization of economic systems as complex, multicomponent and chaotic, i.e. those that can be deterministic and predictable only in theory, explains the stochastic nature of economic laws and the logical absence of a "universal" recipe for development, which proves the need to find endogenous factors. Based on the assumption of a unified nature of development and unevenness, it is determined that the core of innovative development in the modern world is the intellectualization of economic systems. The factor of unevenness and development, at the same time, in the modern sense, development innovative that is, is the intellectual capital, which produces an innovative flash, which with the appropriate working mechanism becomes the driving force of development. The study of development theories proves the need to endogenize the "Sollow residual", because the assumption of the exogenous nature of scientific and technological development, and hence economic growth, does not explain the root causes of the uneven development of individual economies, and therefore does not explain the key development factor. Naturally, the general trajectory of global development is set exogenously, at the same time, it begins with an endogenous innovation outbreak, which turns into an innovation flow and forms the technological base adopted by the rest of economic systems. The contradiction of the neoclassical paradigm and institutionalism is purely nominal, because the establishment of rules and directives by institutions can be based on "ratio" and convergence of economic agents – institutions, or their synergy can provide recursive directiveness to the system, the economic system as a whole, that is, and "irrational" rules will be organically calibrated as a result of this interaction, at the same time, the presence of rules will give the chaotic multicomponent system some additional determinism. Thus, a five-fold synergy is proposed as an innovative model of economic development, which takes into account the whole set of interactions between economic agents in their joint development and conflict, determining the optimal trajectory of overall sustainable economic growth.
Анотація. У даному дослідженні визначено, що існуючі сьогодні моделі сталого розвитку істотно не відрізняються одна від одної, водночас, вони не задовольняють умовам вирішення проблеми неоднозначності у трактуванні даного концепту та відсутності адекватно обґрунтованої парадигми сталого розвитку. А також, не враховують, принаймні наочно, описаних нами у попередніх дослідженнях, базових засад (принципів) сталого розвитку, що полягають у врахуванні поточного рівня розвитку системи, а також її екзогенного та ендогенного середовищ, -актуальності дій, їх доцільності та можливості їх сприйняття системою. Було визначено, що основною причиною відсутності адекватної єдиної моделі є відсутність виваженого, неупередженого та абсолютного тлумачення концепції "сталого розвитку". Активно тиражоване сьогодні соціоцентричне гіпертрофування є одним з видів аберацій, іманентних концепту сталого розвитку як будьякій багатоаспектній системі, що унеможливлюють формулювання уніфікованого загальноприйнятого уявлення про нього і його імплементацію. Метою дослідження є виявлення і аналіз аберацій, властивих концепту сталого розвитку, як і будь-якій іншій складній багатокомпонентній системі, з позиції формулювання в майбутньому однозначної уніфікованої парадигми. В результаті дослідження були систематизовані наступні основні форми аберацій концепції сталого розвитку: політизація; гіпертрофування; гіперболізація; імітація; редукованість; реверсивна ефективність. У досліджені обґрунтовані деякі причини одночасної актуальності, контроверсійності і політизації концепту «сталий розвиток», з одного боку, природою яких є відсутність єдиного адекватного розуміння його сутності, а з іншого -намагання економічних агентів використати даний концепт у своїх специфічних економічних інтересах, що, почасти, є конфліктними його природі з точки зору можливого порушення стабільності системи. В викладеного вище можна припустити, що виявлення і систематизація описаних аберацій, дозволить, уникаючи їх, раціоналізувати формулювання в подальших дослідженнях уніфікованої людиноцентричної теоретико-методологічної моделі сталого розвитку, а також, актуалізувати існуючі цілі сталого розвитку.
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