1595From the loss factor data on glasses A, B, C, and D, the activation energies of the a-c conduction mechanisms are obtained. A plot of the log of the frequency at which this maximum loss factor occurs vs. 1000/~ is shown in Fig. 6 for each glass. As the relaxation time r ----~oe ~/kr, where 9 = 2~f, E is the activation energy, and to is a constant, the activation energies are obtained from the slopes of the curves. These are tabulated in Table III. The activation energies for each glass for the d-c and a-c conductivities agree well. This indicates that the same mechanism of conduction is responsible for d-c and a-c conductivity.
Conclusions1. Based on the results of the Tubandt tests, the main conduction mechanism is electronic in glasses A, B, and C and ionic in glass D.2. The loss factorac, for each glass, peaks in the frequency range in which the midpoint of the dispersion of the unaltered dielectric constant occurs.3. From the slopes of the dielectric constant curves below the relaxation frequencies and the results of the Tubandt tests, it is deduced that the conduction mechanism is only electronic for glasses A and B, mixed ionic-electronic for glass C, and only ionic for glass D.4. The agreement in the activation energy data indicates that the main conduction mechanism is the same for a-c and d-c conduction in each glass.ABSTRACT Growth kinetics at ll00~ are investigated as a function of HC1/O2 mole ratio below 10% for (111), (100), (311), and (110) oriented wafers. It is concluded that the considerable increase of the oxidation rate in the presence of HC1 is caused by three reasons: The first is enhanced diffusion of O~ and H20 molecules in the HC1 oxide. The second is enhanced reactions at the Si-SiO~ interface, resulting from a catalytic action of HC1. The third is the contribution of H20 to the oxidation, which is formed by the reaction, 2HC1 ~ ~/2 02 H20 -t-C12. The diffusivity of 02 and H20 molecules in the HC1 oxide was measured by a technique which is based on dry or wet oxidation after an initial HC1 growth. Infrared spectroscopy of the output gas from the furnace and the observation of the Si-SiO2 interface through a microscope and secondary electron microscope revealed the nature of the enhanced reactions, which are closely related to HC1 gaseous etching of Si.Recently it has been reported that clean SiO2 films for MOS devices can be obtained by the addition of HCI to dry O2 during the high temperature oxidation of silicon (1-6). The use of HC1 reduces the number of Na + ions and surface states at the Si-SiO2 interface.No significant change between standard and HC1 oxide is observed in oxide charge, dielectric strength, dielectric constant, and index of refraction, but the oxidation rate and the diffusivity of Na + ions in the oxide are considerably increased in the presence of HC1. It has been suggested that a Si-O-C1 complex is formed ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). ecsdl.org/site/terms_use address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015...