Introduction: The work has been dedicated the study of pituitary hormone concentration in the blood of women with endometriosis-associated infertility on 2-3 days of the menstrual cycle and the day of the puncture of ovarian stimulation superovulation in the cycle. The aim of our study was to examine the concentration of pituitary hormones in the blood of women with endometriosis associated with infertility. Materials and methods: For the purpose of the research we have conducted a special study of protein (lutropin - LH, folitropin -FSH) hormones level in the blood plasma of women with endometriosis associated with infertility, which formed the main group of 20 people. Similar studies of protein hormones level were performed in the control group, which made somatically healthy women of reproductive function preserved, whose age corresponded to the age of patients of the main group. The value of p (authenticity difference) was determined by Student’s table-Fischer. Differences between contrasting averages were considered significant at p <0.05. Results and conclusions: Analized the results of our research stated that women with endometriosis associated with infertility 2-3 days of the menstrual cycle endocrine function of gonadotropocites anterior pituitary did not differ from that of the control group. This fact appeared to have an additional criteria for the formation of a main group. In patients with endometriosis associated with infertility found significant violation of rhythm and secretion of blood gonadotropin hormones that are proportionate to the degree of severity of the disease.
Экспериментальные модели заболеваний почек для исследований патогенетических механизмов и эффективности фармакологической коррекции на фоне коморбидной патологии Н. Н. Серединская, Н. Д. Филипец, Е. А. Филипец, К. В. Слободян, А. И. Гоженко Цель работы -освещение современных моделей заболеваний почек, сочетанных с другими патологическими состояниями, для экспериментальных исследований патогенетических механизмов и эффективности фармакологической коррекции.Рассмотрены экспериментальные модели, которые целесообразно использовать для исследования патогенеза и эффективности средств фармакологической коррекции коморбидной патологии. Акцентировано внимание на моделях, воспроизводящих кардиоренальный, гепаторенальный синдром и полиорганное гипоксическое гистогемическое повреждение у лабораторных крыс. Эти модели характеризуются легким моделированием, воспроизведением патогенеза коморбидных заболеваний, наличием острого и хронического периода повреждения, индуцированного антибиотиком доксорубицином или экотоксикантами -сулемой, нитритом натрия, 2,4-динитрофенолом.Выводы. Представленные модели кардиоренального, гепаторенального синдромов и гипоксического повреждения организма являются оптимальными для проведения многоцелевых исследований физиологического, патофизиологического, фармакологического направлений с максимальным приближением результатов к клинико-терапевтическим особенностям коморбидной патологии.The aim of our study is to report about modern models of kidney diseases associated with other pathological conditions for experimental studies of pathogenic mechanisms and efficacy of pharmacological correction.The study deals with experimental models reasonably to be applied in investigation of comorbid pathology pathogenesis and efficacy of its pharmacological correction. The attention is focused on the models of cardio-renal, hepatic-renal syndromes and multiple organ hypoxic histochemical injury simulated in laboratory rats. These models are characterized by easy modeling, simulation of comorbidity pathogenesis, acute and chronic periods of diseases available, induced by the antibiotic Doxorubicin or exotoxins -corrosive sublimate, sodium nitrite, and 2,4-dinitrophenol.Conclusions. The models of cardio-renal, hepatic-renal syndromes and hypoxic histochemical injury of the body are found to be optimal to perform multipurpose studies of physiological, pathophysiological, pharmacological directions with maximal similarity of the results obtained to clinical-therapeutic peculiarities of comorbid pathology.Експериментальні моделі захворювань нирок для досліджень патогенетичних механізмів та ефективності фармакологічної корекції на тлі коморбідної патології Н. М. Серединська, Н. Д. Філіпець, О. О. Філіпець, К. В. Слободян, А. І. Гоженко Мета роботи -висвітлення сучасних моделей захворювань нирок, що поєднані з іншими патологічними станами, для експериментальних досліджень патогенетичних механізмів та ефективності фармакологічної корекції.Розглянуті експериментальні моделі, які доцільно використовувати для дослідження пат...
The aim: To find out the features of the hip circumference in the middle of both extremities by students of higher education institutions of Bukovina, depending on the sport type. Materials and methods: The study of anthropometric parameters was conducted on 115 students of higher education institutions of Bukovina from 16 to 18 years where 78 (67.82%) – young boys and 37 (32.18%) – young girls. The main group of 75 (65.22%) students were represented by the first and the second year students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Human Health of the Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, and control group consisted of 40 (34.78%) college students and students of the Stomatological Faculty of Bukovynian State Medical University. Among the students of the main group were – 57 (76.0%) young boys and 18 (24.0%) young girls who, in addition to physical activity, which was included in the program of their specialty, additionally engaged in the sports (football players, volleyball players, basketball players, handball players), the control group consisted of 21 (52.5%) young boys and 19 (47.5%) young girls who are busy with hours of physical education, according to the curriculum of their specialty and did not engage in additional sports. Anthropometric examination included the definition of total (height and body weight) parameters and partial (hip circumference in the middle third). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using a licensed program RStudio. Results: Based on the Kraskel-Wallis test, it was found that there is a significant difference in the average length of the hip circumference (in the middle third) on the left depending on the sport. Based on the Conover-Iman test, it was found that there is a significant difference for the pairs «basketball» – «handball», «control» – «handball», «football» – «handball», «volleyball» – «control», «volleyball» – «football», «volleyball» – «handball». Conclusions: The model for predicting the length of the hip circumference (in the middle third) on the right has the form y = β1 + β2 + 0,328 * х1 – 0,167 * х2, on the left it looks like y = β1 + β2 + 0,451 * х1 – 0,179 * х2, where y is the girth of the thigh in the middle third, is the weight, х2 is the height. The coefficient β1 = 58,181 for young girls and β2 = 53,302 for young boys. Coefficient β2 = 0 for the group «basketball», β2 = – 3,358 for the group «control», β2 = – 0,484 for the group «football», β2 = – 1,991 for the group «handball», β2 = – 0,824 for the group «volleyball».
The aim: Establishing anthropometric parameters and determining the patterns of formation of types of constitution in students-athletes and medical students while studying in higher education. Materials and methods: We conducted a study of anthropometric parameters on 129 first and second year students of higher educational institutions in Chernivtsi (aged 16 to 21). The vast majority of students - 121 (93.8%), were from 17 to 19 years, 16 years - 5 (3.9%), 21 years - 2 (1.5%), 21 years - 1 student (0.8 %). Of these, 83 (64.4%) were male and 46 (35.6%) were female. All respondents are divided into two groups: the main group - 89 (69%), control group - 40 (31%). Among the students of the main group there were 62 (69.7%) male and 27 (30.3%) female. The control group consists of 21 (52.5%) men and 19 (47.5%) women. Students of the main group, in addition to physical activity, which was included in the program of their specialty, additionally engaged in the following sports: football - 40 (44.9%) students, volleyball - 18 (20.3%), tennis – 10 (11.2 %), fitness - 9 (10.1%), basketball - 7 (7.9%), freestyle wrestling - 5 (5.6%).All students underwent anthropometric research, according to the method of VV Bunak in the modification by PP Shaparenko. Anthropometric survey included the definition of total (length and body weight) and partial dimensions - longitudinal, transverse, circumferential. Determination of the somatotype was performed by MV Chornorutsky based on the Pinier index L - (P + T), L - body length, P - weight, T - chest circumference. In hypostenics (asthenics) this index is more than 10, in hypersthenics less than 10, in normosthenics in the range from 10 to 30 and according to V.M. Shevkunenko, where Ind: length of the lower limb / height x 100. Based on the index, dolichomorphic type of structure of the lower limb corresponds to a value greater than 55, from 50 to 55 indicates a mesomorphic (middle) type of structure of the lower limb. If the figure is less than 50 - brachymorphic type of structure. Results: The probable difference of types of the constitution of students of the main group for MV Chornorutsky on the based the Pinier index and VM Shevkunenko, using the Shevkunenko index. So, between the asthenic type and the hypersthenic type of constitution, because in the main group, according to the Pinier index of asthenics - 26 (29.2%), while according to the Shevkunenko index - 3 (3.4%). Hypertensives according to the Pinier index are - 9 (10.1%), on the difference according to the Shevkunenko index – 25 (28%). The result of a study of students in the control group based on the Pinier index by MV Chornorutsky, and according to VM using the Shevkunenko index, Shevkunenko also showed a significant difference for all types of constitution: according to the Pinier index of normosthenics - 23 (57.5%), while according to the Shevkunenko index – 19 (47,%), according to the Pinier index - 7 (17.5%) - hypertensive, according to the Shevkunenko index - 25 (28%), according to MV Chornorutsky, asthenics - 10 (25%) at the same time as according to Shevkunenko dolichomorphic type of constitution in students of the control group, was not observed during the study. Conclusions: There is a significant discrepancy in terms of determining the types of constitution, according to MV Chornorutsky, based on the Pinier index and VM Shevkunenko, using the Shevkunenko index. Based on this, it is necessary to further study this issue because the criteria and methods of evaluation, indices, analysis of index results and in order to find common approaches to the methodology of establishing the types of constitution remain unrelated.
The purpose of the study was to establish of upper limbs length of students of higher educational institutions of Bukovyna depending on the sport type with the further construction of forecasting model. Materials and methods. The research was conducted on 132 students of the first and second years of higher education institutions of Bukovyna aged from16 to 18. Of them, 86 (65.15%) were boys and 46 (34.85%) girls. The main group consisted of 92 (69.70%) students and the control group – 40 (30.30%) students. Among the students of the main group, there are 65 (70.65%) boys and 27 (29.35%) girls. The control group consisted of 21 (52.5%) boys and 19 (47.5%) girls. Students of the main group were engaged in the following sport types: football, volleyball, handball, basketball. Students of the control group did not additionally do sports, except for hours of physical education, in accordance with the curriculum. All students were subjected to an anthropometric study according to the method of V. V. Bunak modified by P. P. Shaparenkо. Anthropometric examination included determination of total and partial parameters. Results and discussion. According to the results of the study, that included the distribution of the length of the right and left upper limbs for gender, there was a significant difference in the average length of young boys and young girls in the main group. This is also evidenced by Welch's t-test: t (49.3) = – 7.253, p < 0.05. The result of the distribution of the length of the right and left upper limbs in the control group for gender also indicates that there was a significant difference in the length of the upper limb of young boys and young girls of the control group on average. This was also confirmed by Welch's t-test: t (25.971) = – 5.670, p < 0.05 (right upper extremity) and t (26.175) = – 5.754, p < 0.05 (left upper extremity). Taking into account the results of the distribution of the lengths of the upper limbs depending on the sport type, it shows that there was a significant difference in the average value of the length depending on the sport type. Since p = 0.25 < 0.05, the difference between the medians of the groups is statistically significant. When comparing the lengths of both upper limbs of the studied young boys and young girls, no significant difference in the average length of the right and left upper limbs was found t (255.92) = – 0.172, p = 0.864. Conclusion. By comparing the length of the right and left upper limbs of the studied students of the main group, depending on the sport type, there was a significant difference in the average value (football players have the smallest length of the upper limbs: right – 69.77 ± 2.0 cm, of them 70.39 ± 2.00 cm in young boys and 67.90 ± 2.00 cm in young girls, left – 70.28 ± 2.0 cm, of them 71.41 ± 2.00 cm in young boys and 68.72 ± 2.00 cm in young girls, while volleyball players have the largest: right – 76.20 ± 2.0 cm, of them 77.32 ± 2.00 cm in young boys and 74.22 ± 2.00 cm in young girls, and left – 77.00 ± 2.0 cm, of them 78.43 ± 2.00 cm in young boys and 75.92 ± 2.00 cm in young girls). A significant factor for the length of both upper limbs is height. A model for predicting the length of the upper limbs was derived: y = 0.422 * x, (where y – the length of the right upper limb, x – height)
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