K am al b en y am i n E s h o S af w a n H as i m S a eedEffect of humic aci d on growth and y ield of three culti v ars of summer squash ( Cu curbita pep o L.)
ABSTRACT:The e xperim ent w as carried out in the private vegetable farm , Som ail, Duhok governm ent, during autum n growing season 2015, The aim of the experim ent w as to study the effect of humic acid on grow th and yield of three cultivars of summ er squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). The experim ent w as a split plot design within three replicates, in this study, three concentrations of hum ic acid w ere used (0, 25 and 59 mg/ litter), and three cultivars of summ er squash w hich w ere (Alexandria F1, Khatoon F1 and Ardendo 174 F1). The data w as recorded on: fresh and dry w eight /plant, num ber of m ale , female flow ers, sex ratio, length, diam eter, w eight of fruit, num ber of fruit/plant and total yield/hectare. The results show ed that the concentration at 50 mg/litter of humic acid gave a significant increase in fresh, dry w eight /plant, fruit length, number of fruits /plant and total yield, the cultivar Ardendo 174 F1 gave a significant increase in m ost traits except the sex ratio and fruit diam eter, and the interaction between the 50mlg/litter of hum ic acid and cultivar Ardendo 174 F1 gave a significant increase in fresh, dry w eight /plant, female flow er /plant , num ber of fruit/plant and total yield/hectare. The results show ed that there w as higher positive phenotypic correlation coefficient between the total yield /hectare, fruit w eight with m ost traits.