Zeolites with pores of different dimensions within the same structure can present specific catalytic properties derived from the possibilities of performing molecular traffic control 1 when reactants and/or products of different molecular dimensions could react and diffuse. Some examples of zeolites with pores of different sizes within the same structure are SSZ-51, 2 MCM-68, 3 ITQ-22, 4 IM-12, 5 ITQ-15, 6 and ITQ-33. 7 Special mention requires the zeolite ITQ-13 (ITH), whose structure was solved from single crystal diffraction data, and presents a system of pores by 9 × 10 × 10 rings, with pore diameters of 4.0 Å × 4.9 Å 2 , 4.8 Å × 5.7 Å 2 , and 4.7 Å × 5.1 Å 2 , respectively. 8 Because of its peculiar pore system it presents excellent catalytic properties for producing propylene when used as a FCC additive 9 as well as for toluene disproportionation. 10 ITQ-13 zeolite was synthesized 11 with hexamethonium [hexane-1,6-bis(trimethylammonium)] as structure directing agent (SDA). We have seen that the ITH structure can have at least one hypothetical polymorph (polymorph B, now on named ITQ-34) that can also be described as a stacking of zeolitic sheets connected forming double four-rings (D4R). However, while in the case of ITQ-13 (polymorph A), these sheets extend in the bc plane and stack along the a direction with a stacking sequence AAA...; in the case of ITQ-34 the stacking sequence is ABAB..., where B corresponds to the A sheet of ITQ-13 after applying a 180°rotation around the b axis and a translation of 1 / 2 along the c axis. Then, the cell axis of both polymorphs will be closely related, the b and c axis being identical because of the common basic sheet. The a axis of ITQ-34 will be double of that in ITQ-13 because of the different stacking sequence (ABAB... vs AAA...). However, to adopt a standard setting for the space group expected for ITQ-34 (Cmcm), the cell axis of ITQ-34 will need to be defined as a (ITQ-34) ) b (ITQ-13) , b (ITQ-34) ) c (ITQ-13) , and c (ITQ-34) ) 2a (ITQ-13) (Figure 1). Also, both structures will have an identical framework density of 17.4 T atoms per 1000 Å 3 .If one simulates the structure of ITQ-34 it can be seen by simple docking that hexamethonium could, in principle, be an adequate SDA for the synthesis of this material. More specifically, when a computational approach (see Supporting Information) has been applied to calculate the short-range Van der Waals (E1) and the electrostatic (E2) interactions between the optimized zeolite-SDA system for ITQ-13 and ITQ-34 and hexamethonium, it is possible to see (Table S1 in Supporting Information) that this SDA orientates slightly better toward ITQ-13 than to ITQ-34. Then, when exploring the experimental synthesis conditions in a wide range of gel compositions using hexamethonium as SDA we found that in no case was the pure ITQ-34 obtained, but mixtures of ITQ-13 and