suppression images demonstrated abnormal enhancement, "tram track" sign on the axial view (arrows) and "doughnut" sign on the coronal view (broad arrow), of the right optic nerve sheath. The similar hyperintensity configurations (arrow heads) to both signs could be recognized on T 2 -weighted MR (C, D, F). These intensity changes were suggested to be due to tissue edema.A: axial T 1 weighted image (1.5 T, TR 654 ms, TE 10 ms), B; contrast enhanced axial T 1 weighted image with fat suppression (1.5 T, TR673 ms, TE 10 ms), C; contrast enhanced axial T 2 weighted image with fat suppression (1.5 T, TR 5,000 ms, TE 90 ms), D; contrast enhanced coronal T 2 weighted image with fat suppression (1.5 T, TR 5,000 ms, TE 90 ms), E; axial FLAIR image (1.5 T, TR 5,000 ms, TE 87 ms), F; axial T 2 weighted image with fat suppression (1.5 T, TR 4,930 ms, TE 88 ms), G; contrast enhanced axial T 1 weighted image with fat suppression (1.5 T, TR 778 ms, TE 13 ms), H; contrast enhanced coronal T 1 weighted image with fat suppression (1.5 T, TR 554 ms, TE 13 ms).
57:719Review of the literature for cases of idiopathic optic perineuritis in Japan.