Summary:The [IHF]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) scan method with positron emission computed tomography was used to determine patterns of local cere bral glucose utilization (LCMRg1u) in 40 normal volunteer subjects aged 18 to 78 years. Throughout all the studies. each subject was quiet, without movement, with eyes open and ears unplugged, exposed only to ambient room light and sound. For the entire group, whole brain mean CMRglu was 26.1 ± 6. I /Lmol 100 g-l min-1 (mean ± SD, n = 40). At age 78, mean CMRglu was, on the average, 26% less than at age 18, an alteration of the same order as the variance among subjects at any age. The gradual decline of mean CMRglu with advancing age occurred at a faster rate than was reported for mean cerebral oxygen utilization, possibly due to increasingly altered pathways for glucose utilization, or to increasing oxidation of ketone bodies or other alternative substrates. Glucose utilization in the hemispheres was symmetrical and mean CMRglU of overall cortex, caudate, and thalamus was equal in individuals at all ages. The slopes of decline with age were similar when LCM Rglu was averaged over zones corresponding to centrum semiovale, caudate, putamen, and fron tal, temporal, parietal, occipital, and primary visual cortex. However, the met abolic ratio of superior frontal cortex to superior parietal cortex declined with age, possibly due to selective degeneration of superior frontal cortex or to differences between age groups in the sensory and cognitive response to the study. These results should be useful in distinguishing age from disease effects when the FDG scan method is used. 163 koloff et aI., 1977) used in animals, but emission computed tomography is substituted for the au toradiography. After intravenous injection, FDG enters the brain, is phosphorylated by brain hexokinase, and the metabolic product, FDG-6-P0 4 , remains fixed with only slow dephosphoryla tion. The time course of specific activity is mea sured in plasma, brain activity is determined by scanning, and with knowledge of predetermined rate constants, an operational equation allows cal culations of LCMRglu that are distributed in a cross-