Представлены результаты исследований влияния кремниевого удобрения Силиплант на поступление и деградацию протравителя Престиж; фунгицидов Акробат МЦ, Пеннкоцеб и инсектицида Шарпей в посадках картофеля. Установлено, что Силиплант активизировал поступление действующих веществ имидаклоприд и пенцикурон в семенные клубни при обработке Престижем, увеличивая их содержание на 20,6 и 6% соответственно. В период бутонизации растений имидаклоприд в основном был обнаружен в ботве картофеля. Его наибольшее количество выявлено при обработке клубней смесью Престиж 0,6 л/т+Силиплант 60 мл/т, оно было на 45% выше, чем при обработке клубней только Престижем в норме 0,75 л/т. Содержание имидаклоприда в столонах было значительно ниже, меньше всего его поступило в молодые клубни. Престиж обеспечивал защиту растений от колорадского жука, тли и других вредителей до фазы бутонизации. Силиплант также активизировал поступление циперметрина при опрыскивании растений инсектицидом Шарпей. Содержание циперметрина в ботве было на 46% выше при опрыскивании смесью Шарпей 0,07 л/га+Силиплант 1 л/га, в сравнении с применением только Шарпея в дозе 0,1 л/га. На содержание действующих веществ фунгицидов (Акробат МЦ и Пеннкоцеб) Силиплант существенно не повлиял. Основное количество диметоморфа обнаружено в надземной части растений, в столоны его поступило меньше, и еще меньше во вновь сформировавшиеся клубни. Снижение нормы расхода препарата Акробат МЦ в два раза привело к значительному сокращению его содержания во всех частях растения. Совместное применение его меньшей дозы в сочетании с препаратом Силиплант не привело к заметному изменению его содержания в растении. Аналогичные результаты получены по содержанию манкоцеба при использовании фунгицидов как Акробат МЦ, так и Пеннкоцеб. На фоне снижения норм расхода препаратов Престиж, Акробат МЦ, Шарпей и Пеннкоцеб в смесях с препаратом Силиплант получен наибольший урожай картофеля. The article presents the results of research on the effect of Siliplant silicon fertilizer on the intake and degradation of Prestige mordant, Acrobat MC fungicides, Penncozeb, and Sharpey insecticide used in potato planting. It was found that Siliplant activated the intake of imidacloprid and pencycuron in seed tubers when treated with Prestige, increasing their content by 20.6 and 6% respectively. During the budding period of plants, imidacloprid is mainly found in the tops of potatoes. Its maximum amount was found when treating tubers with a mixture of Prestige 0.6 l/t+Siliplant 60 ml/t, it was 45 % higher than when treating tubers with Prestige alone in the norm of 0.75 l/t. The content of imidacloprid in stolons was significantly lower and less of it was received in new tubers. Prestige protected the plants from the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, and other pests until the budding phase. Siliplant also activated the intake of cypermethrin when spraying plants with the insecticide Sharpey. The cypermethrin content in the tops was 46% higher when sprayed with a Sharpey mixture of 0.07 l/ha+Siliplant 1 l/ha, in comparison with the use of one Sharpey at a dose of 0.1 l/ha. The content of the active substances of the fungicides: Acrobat MC and Pennkozeb, Sililant did not have a significant effect. The main amount of dimethomorph was found in the aboveground part of the plants, less of it was received in the stolons and even less in the newly formed tubers. Reducing the consumption rate of the MC Acrobat by 2 times led to a significant reduction in its content in all parts of the plant. When combined with a lower dose of the drug with Siliplant, it did not lead to a noticeable change in its content. Similar results were obtained for the content of mankoceb both when using the MC Acrobat and Pennkozeb. Against the background of a decrease in the consumption rates of Prestige, Acrobat MC, Sharpey and Penncozeb in mixtures with Siliplant, the greatest yield of potatoes was obtained.
Background. Experimental exploitation of ores from the Sukhoi Log deposit has shown that its geology and structure requires elucidation.Aim. To study the geology and structure of the Sukhoi Log deposit and to determine the main mineralisation patterns in the plan, on the flanks and at depth. This information can be useful when mining gold both directly at the deposit and when prospecting new deposits on its flanks.Materials and methods. The existing maps, diagrams, sketches and block diagrams describing ore bodies and their behaviour in plan and at depth were used. A new structural layout of mineralisation at the Sukhoi Log deposit, both on its flanks and at depth was built.Results. The gold mineralisation in the Sukholozhskaya and Verninsko-Nevskaya ore-bearing areas is controlled by various elements of the fracture structure. At the same time, in the Sukholozhskaya area, the mineralisation is confined to a thick zone of a sublatitudinal shingled thrust-fault zone, in places accommodating a narrow strip of small faults, slip planes and fracturing in the northwestern direction. The fracture strip intersects sub-latitudinally laying Riphean argillaceous-shale rocks of the Khomolkhin formation approximately in the middle part of the field. The shingled thrust-fault zone accommodates the fissure faults, which open during mineralisation of the north-west extension, and flattens out. Its thickness in some places reaches 130 m. In the curved and flattened thrust interval, an ore gold-arsenopyrite-pyrite-quartz formation is localised, morphologically resembling a “thick pillow” with a thickness of 130 m. It bends and gently plunges in the north-north-east direction. The bulk of gold reserves is contained in this ore formation. The ores of the vein-disseminated type, veinlet and vein formations are the richest formations. Between them, the dissemination of gold-bearing pyrite and subordinate arsenopyrite is always manifested. The boundary of industrial mineralisation is determined by the density of the interveinous ore.On the western flank of the deposit, within the bounds of another — Ugakhan — deposit, vein and vein gold-quartz-pyrrhotite ores are found at a deeper level. Here, the search for Sukholozhsky pyrite-quartz ores (if they even existed) is not promising, since they were eroded long time ago, and the liberated gold was concentrated in placers. Prospecting is promising only along the Bezymyanny ore-controlling fault, which directly limits the western flank of the Sukholozhskoye deposit.The mineralisation of the Verninsk-Nevsky area is controlled by the Verninsky Fault of the east–north-east extension and separated by a series of single feathering ore-bearing overthrust zones of the east-west extension. To the east, this mineralisation gradually decreases. The search for the Sukholozhsk type ores is more promising on the eastern side of the Nyrli river, 2 km east of the fault of the same name and 7 km north of the Verninskoye deposit near a small, poorly explored area with commercial gold mineralization, marked on the deposit map with a sign TM.Conclusion. The main geological and structural laws of the localisation of gold ores were determined, which could be useful when conducting exploration works on the flanks of the deposit.
При выращивании томата в блочных теплицах комбината «Тепличный» (г. Владимир) в летне-осеннем обороте с использованием капельного полива дана оценка эффективности борьбы с белокрылкой и паутинным клещом химическим и биологическим методами. Для снижения численности белокрылки использованы следующие инсектициды: Моспилан (ацетамиприд, 20 г/кг), норма расхода 1,5 кг/га; Пленум (пиметрозин, 500 г/кг), 0,5 кг/га; Мовенто Энерджи (спиротетрамат + имидаклоприд), две обработки по 0,7 л/га; против паутинного клеща проведены три обработки Фитовермом (аверсектин С), 3 л/га. В биологической защите для подавления тепличной белокрылки и паутинного клеща применяли выпуск агентов биологической борьбы: в первой схеме макролофуса и фитосейулюса и во второй – энкарзии и фитосейулюса. Выпуск энкарзии проведен четыре раза, из расчета 1,5 экз/лист (трехкратный выпуск) и 1 экз/лист (однократный выпуск). Заселение растений хищным клопом макролофус проведено два раза из расчета 10000 экз/га. Хищного клеща фитосейулюса размещали локально в очаги скопления паутинного клеща (500 экз/га). Биологическую эффективность пестицидов и хищных насекомых оценивали по численности вредных объектов до обработки и через 3, 5 и 7 суток после обработки по общепринятым методикам. Против болезней во всех схемах защиты использовали для подавления корневых гнилей Планриз, 5 л/га и Превикур Энерджи (пропамокарб + фосэтил), 3 л/га, от фитофтороза и альтернариоза – Ордан (хлорокись меди + цимоксанил), 2,5 кг/га, Квадрис (азоксистробин), 1,2 л/га. Результаты учета численности вредителей до и после обработки показали, что биологическая эффективность использования хищных насекомых против белокрылки составляет 90–95% и против паутинного клеща – 78–80%, а инсектицидов – 76%. Эффективность биометода в борьбе с белокрылкой и клещом была выше, чем инсектицидов химической природы. Использование хищных насекомых позволило снизить объем применения пестицидов на 12,4 кг/га и увеличить сбор плодов на 18 и 9%. Прибыль от применения макролофуса и фитосейулюса составила 1,278 млн р. и от энкарзиии и фитосейулюса – 0,615 млн р. Assessment of the efficiency of controlling greenhouse whiteflies and spider mites with chemical and biological methods is given when using drip irrigation while growing tomatoes in block greenhouses of the «Teplichny» greenhouse complex (Vladimir) in summer-autumn. To control whiteflies, the following insecticides were used: Mospilan (acetamiprid, 20 g/kg), consumption rate 1.5 kg/ha, Plenum (pymetrozin, 500 g/kg), 0.5 kg/ha, Movento Energy (spirotetramat + imidacloprid), two treatments at 0.7 l/ha; 3 treatments with Phytoverm (aversectin C), 3 l/ha were carried out for spider mites. Within biological control, predatory and parasitic insects and mites were used to suppress greenhouse whiteflies and spider mites: first macrolophus and phytoseiulus, and then encarsia and phytoseiulus. Encarsia was used 4 times: at the rate of 1.5 spec/leaf (3 times) and 1 spec/leaf – fourth time. Plants were colonized by the predatory bug macrolophus twice at the rate of 10000 spec/ha. Predatory mite phytoseiulus was placed locally in the spider mite infestation (500 spec/ha). The biological efficiency of pesticides and predatory insects was assessed by the number of harmful objects before the treatment and 3, 5 and 7 days after it according to generally accepted methods. In all protection schemes for disease control the following was used: Planriz, 5 l/ha and Previcur energy (propamocarb + fosethyl), 3 l/ha to suppress root rot; Ordan (copper oxychloride + cymoxanil), 2.5 kg/ha, Quadris (azoxystrobin), 1.2 l/ha to suppress phytophthora and alternaria. The results of counting the pest number before and after the treatment showed that the biological efficiency of using predatory insects for whiteflies was 90–95%, for spider mites – 78–80%, and 76% when using insecticides. Thus, the biological method efficiency of controlling whiteflies and spider mites was higher than that of chemical insecticides. Predatory insects made it possible to reduce the amount of pesticide application by 12.4 kg/ha and increase the harvest by 18 and 9%. The profit from the use of macrolophus and phytoseiulus amounted to 1.278 million rubles and from encarsia and phytoseiulus – 0.615 million rubles.
It is shown that at the rather numerous near-surface gold-silver ore deposits (sometimes with tellurides), developed in the East of Russia, the fractured ore conduits can be revealed. From them, the bundles and a series of vein-veinlet ore bodies or metasomatic gold-bearing rocks start. In both cases the areas with bonanza contents of the noble metals are established. The portion of their stocks sometimes reaches 70% in a total. Exploration drilling along the barren flanks of the ore-conducting channels can identify new ore, hidden in the depth interval from 100-200 to 400 meters or more, and replenish stocks of the deposits.
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