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Macromolecules.where d is the sample-to-detector distance, I,(g) is the scattered intensity, Io is the incident beam intensity, and V, is the scattering volume. The R(q') used in light scattering is equivalent to the differential scattering cross section d2/dQ used in neutron scattering.ABSTRACT The cloud-point curve equation is derived for a solution of a polydisperse polymer with a concentration-dependent interaction parameter g( TA), and a method for its numerical solution is devised.Also, a classification scheme is proposed for critical points based on their multiplicity, and the relationship between our and the previously devised categories is probed (particularly between our triple critical point and the tricritid point). Criteria for the existence of critical points of multiplicity m = 2-6 are given in terms of chain-length averages, concentration derivatives of g( T,4), and the overall polymer concentration 4. The significance of multiple critical points lies in their close association with multiphase equilibria. Such points may arise because of the asymmetry of the chain-length distribution and/or because of a strong concentration dependence of g(T,4). Two specific cases are analyzed a polydisperse polymer solution with a concentration-independent parameter g( T ) , and a monodisperse polymer solution with a concentration-dependent parameter g(T,&). In the first instance, multiple critical points may appear even in systems with only a few components if their characteristics are properly chosen. At most, an s-component system at constant pressure may display a critical point of multiplicity 2s -3, and it may separate into s phases. In the latter case, double and triple critical points may appear if the concentration dependence of g(T,$) is at least quadratic. The pattern of cloud-point curves for the two analyzed cases is distinctly different.