A critical review of biological parameters used to indicate pollutant impact on soi! quality was conducted. These param eters mention some soi! invertebrates. The value of an indicative organism depends on its life expectancy, life style and specific importance. Nematodes, mites, collembolans, enchytraeids, earthworms, isopods and molluscs are good potential biological indica tors. Biological indicators of bioaccumulation and biological indicators of effects (toxicological and ecological) can be distin guished. Bioaccumulation studies are difficult to interpret, as wide variations could be found, depending on taxonomie group, habitat, organ studied, soi) type or even pollutant type. Sorne groups, such as Collembola, require in depth bioaccumulation studies. It is suggested to use a pool of macro-concentrators, including at least some earthworm, isopod and gastropod species. Toxicological indicators have been well studied and their lethal and sublethal pollutant effects are well known. However, studies have focused on only a few species, such as the earthworm Eiseniafoetida or the collembolan Folsomia candida. These studies should be extended to other zoological groups, as well as to several species from the same group, to generate a representative test battery. Exposure biom arkers and physiological change studies should be emphasised, as they act as very early warning systems of contamination. Data are currently lacking on how soil biological processes malfunction due to pollution. We need to explore the links between pollutant effects on soi! fauna and pollutant effects on soi! functioning. Concerning ecological indicators, studies should develop sampling techniques and parameters, which are specific to ecotoxicological goals. Before-after impact contrai procedures should be carried out, to eliminate the background noise of the study site and only evaluate the influence of pollutants. On the other hand, ecological indices, such as taxonomie diversity or richness, should be used carefully especially concerning chronic pollution. Effects of pollut ants on biological cycle studies seem very promising, but need further information on the life history strategies of many species. Furthermore, the pollutant tolerance of rare species should be considered. The different types of biological indicators yield comple mentary information on pollutant effects. They ail need standard procedures. In this context, studies should be extended and diversi fied, and associate bioaccumulation, toxicological and ecological indicators to provide better information on soi! quality.Ecotoxicology / bioindicators of effects / bioaccumulation / soit ecology / soit quality / soit inv ertebrates / soit fauna / earthworms / microarthropods / mites / collembolans / isopods / enchytraeids / snails / soit pollution Résumé -Utilisation de la faune invertébrée du sol comme bio-indicateur des effets des polluants. Une liste critique des para mètres biologiques utilisés dans certains travaux pour indiquer l'impact des polluants sur la qualité des sol...