This report describes the ecological research program at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and, in addition, summarizes the progress which has been made on current project activities between July 1, 1972, and March 31, 1973.Information is presented on an environmental inventory of the Los Alamos area, a radionuclide inventory in three liquid waste disposal areas, studies to determine the applicability of the honeybee as an indicator of environmental radiocontamination and a resurvey of the Trinity area to determine the bioavailability of the plutonium from the world's first nuclear detonation.
Z. INTRODUCTIONThe overlying objective of the investigation is to develop the necessary biological and ecological input data to provide a basis for assessing the environmental impact of research and development programs at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASt) and to establish a predictive capability on the behavior and significance of various radionuclides which are released to the LASL environs. The information gained in this study will not only be valuable to the Laboratory from an operational standpoint, but it will also have application to nuclear-oriented industry. Research areas identified as being important to the success of this inventigation include a determination of 1. the quantities of radionuclides released through time/ 2. the physical and chemical forms of the radionuclides present in the environment, 3. the plant and animal resources in the LASL environs as a whole, but especially in the pathway of discharged effluents, 4. data on the physical and chemical characteristics of the soils, 5. the radionuclide content of the plants, animals, and soils as a function of season, 6. the seasonal meteorological conditions in the area, including ambient air and alluvial soil temperatures and precipitation, 7. the radioecological concentration processes in abiotic and biotic compartments including rates of incorporation and loss, 8. the physical and biological processes influencing resvspension and redistribution of contaminant radionuclides and the relative importance of each, and 9. the biological effects anticipated from a given level of environmental contamination and corresponding total radiation doses and dose rates to critical tissues.This report summarizes project activities and information gathered between July 1, 1972, and March 31, 1973. Most of the effort during this period has been spent in 1. compiling an environmental inventory of the Los Alamos area, 2. studying the iri situ kinetics of various radionuclides in honeybee colonies, 3. conducting a radionuclide inventory in the soils and biota of liquid waste disposal areas, and 4. resurveying the radionuclide content of the soils and biota at Trinity, the site of the world's first nuclear detonation.The following quote from the July-December 1972 environmental monitoring report describes the history and function of the Laboratory. "The Laboratory and the Los Alamos Community are located in northcentral New Mexico (Fig. 1) on the Pajarito...