In one form or another, the problem of an athlete’s assertiveness and confidence in one’s abilities and self is covered in almost any scientific theory, which directly or indirectly relates to personality. It is well-known that athletes differ by degree of self- confidence. The very concept of “confidence” exists in many languages all over the world. In some languages, there are even several words to denote it. At the same time, the concept of assertiveness concerning athlete training has been introduced only recently. Importantly, pedagogical correction of insecurities has created the basis for theoretical generalizations and concepts of self-confidence. In the 1960s, there originated the idea of confidence as a multi-faceted characteristic consisting of emotional, behavioural and cognitive components. Thus, assertiveness is a complex characteristic of an athlete’s personality which includes emotional (positive feelings when winning, self-affirmation, satisfaction with sports results), behavioural (a set of behavioural patterns that are effective in various socio-psychological situations), cognitive (self-presentation, self-concept components), as well as axiological (sociality, maturity) components. Self-confidence as a behavioural characteristic of an assertive personality is seen as one’s ability to demand and request more of oneself and others.
У статті презентовано результати теоретичного аналізу та емпіричного дослідження психологічних особливостей прояву копінг-поведінки у самотніх жінок, як форми подолання стресу в умовах невизначеності. Визначено місце копінг-стратегій у збереженні психічного здоров’я в умовах стресу. Проаналізовано планування вирішення проблеми, самоконтроль, пошук соціальної підтримки та конфронтацію як переважаючі копінг-стратегії досліджуваних.
The article is dedicated to the problem of theoretical study and development of methodical recommendations on neuropsychological preventive treatment of emotional burnout among students of higher education establishments. The concept of neuropsychological symptom complex of emotional burnout syndrome at the emotional, cognitive and behavioral levels associated with the rigidity of psychological defense mechanisms and psychosomatic disorders has been clarified. Neuropsychological preventive treatment of emotional burnout is described, taking into account scientific data on the structural and functional organization of the cerebral hemispheres, which affect individual psychological differences in overcoming the syndrome of physical exhaustion. The phases and factors of emotional burnout development among students are indicated. Neuropsychological preventive treatment of emotional burnout among students is presented as a set of measures, with complication of the proposed techniques, taking into account an individual approach and personal resources, motivation to overcome stress, interests and needs of students. Recommendations for normalization of emotional exhaustion among students by modern foreign and domestic researchers are summarized.