22) Haario, H.; Taavitaainen, V. M. Data-Analysis Toolbox for Use with Matlab, Users Guide, Control CAD, Espoo, Finland, 1991. (23) Gergov, M.; Priha, M.; Talka, E.; Kilttila, 0.; Kangas, A.; Kukkonen, K. Tappi J. 1988, 71 (12), 175-184. (24) Saunamaki, R.; Jokinen, K.; Jarvinen, R.; Savolainen, M. (45) Joshi, B. K.; Hillaby, B. J. Environmental fate and effects of bleached pulp mill effluents; Sijdergren, A., Ed.; SwedishMembrane introduction mass spectrometry (MIMS) is used to confirm the existence of bromochloramine and N-bromo-N-chloromethylamine in aqueous solution, which have been proposed previously from UV-visible spectra. Bromochloramine is detected by mass spectrometry and UV-visible spectroscopy as a product of monochloramine reactions with bromide ion and with hypobromous acid. The reaction of HOBr with NH2Cl is at least 3 orders of magnitude faster than the reaction of Br-with NH2C1 at pH 6.5. UV-visible studies also confirm NHBrCl as a product in the following reactions: NH2Cl + NH2Br, NH2Cl + NHBr,, and NH2Br + HOC1. N-Bromo-Nchloromethylamine is detected by mass spectrometry and UV-visible spectroscopy in the reaction of N-chloromethylamine with hypobromous acid.