Objective Our objective was to review measures of health-related quality of life (HRQL) for long-term follow up in children after major trauma and to determine the measures that are suitable for a large age range, reliable and valid, and cover a substantial amount of the domains of functioning using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) of the World Health Organization (WHO). Methods The Medline and EMBASE databases were searched in all years up to October 2007 for generic HRQL measures suitable for children aged 5-18 years old and validated in English or Dutch. Measures were reviewed with respect to the age range for which the measure was suitable and reliability, validity, and content related to the ICF. Measures that were suitable for a large age range were CHQ-PF50/PF28, DISABKIDS, FS II(R), HUI 2, KIDSCREEN, PedsQL, and TACQOL. All measures had moderate to good psychometric properties, except for CHQ-PF50/PF28, KINDL, and TACQOL, which had either low internal consistency or bad test-retest reliability. The measures that covered more than six chapters of the ICF domains were CHIP-AE/CE, CHQ-CF87/PF50, DI-SABKIDS, KIDSCREEN-52, PedsQL, and TACQOL. Conclusions DISABKIDS, KIDSCREEN 52, and Peds-QL are suitable for long-term follow-up measurement of HRQL in children after major trauma. They cover a large age range, have good psychometric properties, and cover the ICF substantially.Keywords Health-related quality of life Á Children Á Major trauma Á Long term Á International classification of functioning Á Disability and health