We report on our work on the double electron layer tunneling transistor (DELTT), based on the gate-control of two-dimensional --two-dimensional (2D-2D) tunneling in a double quantum well heterostructure. While previous quantum transistors have typically required tiny laterally-defined features, by contrast the DEL'IT is entirely planar and can be reliably fabricated in large numbers. We use a novel epoxy-bond-and-stop-etch (EBASE) flip-chip process, whereby submicron gating on opposite sides of semiconductor epitaxial layers as thin as 0.24 microns can be achieved. Because both electron layers in the DELTT are 2D,the resonant tunneling features are unusually sharp, and can be easily modulated with one or more surface gates. We demonstrate DELTTs with peak-to-valley ratios in the source-drain I-V curve of order 20:1 below 1 K. Both the height and position of the resonant current peak can be controlled by gate voltage over a wide range. DELTTs with larger subband energy offsets (-21 meV) exhibit characteristics that are nearly as good at 77 K, in good agreement with our theoretical calculations. Using these devices, we also demonstrate bistable memories operating at 77
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K.in gain, and high-speed.Finally, we briefly discuss the prospects for room temperature operation, increases 3
INTRODUCTIONElectronic devices based on resonant tunneling in semiconductor heterostructures have seen considerable effort ever since Tsu and Esaki' proposed the double barrier resonant tunneling diode (DBRTD) in 1973. The device was shortly thereafter demonstrated by Chang, Esaki, and Tsu2. In the DBRTD, typically grown in the GaAs/Al,Ga,-,As material system, electrons in a three-dimensional (3D) emitter layer can pass into a 3D collector layer only by first resonantly tunneling through two-dimensional (2D) electron states which are confined in a quantum well (QW) between two narrow barriers. To first order, electrons can tunnel only when their energy and in-plane momentum are conserved3. As a voltage is applied between the emi...