A class of nonlinear mixed ordered inclusion problems for ordered (α A , λ)-ANODM set-valued mappings with strong comparison mapping A Abstract The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study a new class of nonlinear mixed ordered inclusion problems in ordered Banach spaces and to obtain an existence theorem and a comparability theorem of the resolvent operator. Further, by using fixed point theory and the resolvent operator, the authors constructed and studied an approximation algorithm for this kind of problems, and they show the relation between the first valued x 0 and the solution of the problems. The results obtained seem to be general in nature.
MSC: 49J40; 47H06Keywords: a new class of nonlinear mixed ordered inclusion problems; ordered (α A , λ ω )-ANODM set-valued mapping; strong comparison mapping; ordered Banach spaces; convergence Proof This directly follows from Lemma ., Lemma ., and Lemma ..
Lemma . []Let X be a real ordered Banach space with norm · , a zero θ , a normal cone P, a normal constant N of P and a partial ordered relation ≤ defined by the cone P, and the operator ⊕ be a XOR operator. If A is a strong comparison mapping, and M : X → X is a λ-ordered monotone mapping with respect to J A M,λ , then the resolvent operator J A M,λ : X → X is a comparison mapping.
Lemma . []Let X be a real ordered Banach space with norm · , a zero θ , a normal cone P, a normal constant N of P and a partial ordered relation ≤ defined by the cone P, and the operator ⊕ be a XOR operator. If A is a strong comparison mapping, and M : X → X is a λ-ordered monotone mapping with respect to J A M,λ , then the resolvent operator J A ωM, λ ω : X → X is a comparison mapping.Proof This directly follows from Lemma ., Lemma ., and Lemma ..
Lemma . []Let X be a real ordered Banach space with norm · , a zero θ , a normal cone P, a normal constant N of P and a partial ordered relation ≤ defined by the cone P. If A is a γ -ordered non-extended mapping, and M : X → X is a (α A , λ)-ANODM mapping, which is a α A -non-ordinary difference mapping with respect to A and λ-ordered monotone mapping with respect to J A M,λ , then for the resolvent operator J A M,λ : X → X, the following relation holds:where α A λ > .