., 2017. Depositional set ting of the Oligocene se quence of the West ern Carpathians in the Pol ish Spisz re gion -a re in ter pre ta tion based on in te grated palynofacies and sedimentological anal y ses. Geo log i cal Quarterly, 61 (4): 859-876, doi: 10.7306/gq.1382The re search on the Oligocene suc ces sion of the Cen tral Carpathian Paleogene Ba sin (CCPB) in the Kacwin re gion fo cused on sedimentological and palynofacies anal y ses. Ob ser va tions were car ried out in nat u ral ex po sures along three streams flow ing in the Pol ish Spisz: Kacwinianka, Łapszanka and Kacwiński. Three main groups of lithofacies have been dis tinguished: coarse-grained, mixed and sandy-grained, and fine-grained. The lithofacies are char ac ter ized by vari able sed i mentary struc tures, e.g. mas sive struc ture, hor i zon tal lam i na tion, rip ple cross-lam i na tion, hummocky cross-strat i fi ca tion, de for ma tion struc ture. Sedimentological anal y ses showed that struc tures typ i cal for tur bid ity cur rents and those char ac ter istic of rel a tively shal low de po si tion (HCS, wave rip ples) could co ex ist in the in ves ti gated suc ces sion in ter preted as typ i cal for tur bid ity cur rents in flu enced by storm waves. This in di cates rel a tively shal low-wa ter en vi ron ments. The palynofacies anal ysis en abled iden ti fi ca tion of the fol low ing com po nents: black wood, brown wood, cor tex, resin, sporomorphs, cu ti cle, al gae, dinoflagellates and AOM. A high pro por tion of black wood and low di ver sity of com po nents point to an or i gin re lated to tur bidity cur rents. Fur ther more, re sults of the palynofacies anal y sis have al lowed de ter min ing that, dur ing the de po si tion of the CCPB sed i ments in the Pol ish Spisz area, the dis tance be tween the de po si tion area and the source area be came rel a tively large. The biostratigraphic anal y sis of dinoflagellate cysts from the Podhale Ba sin (Szaflary, Zakopane, and lower Chochołów beds) in di cates an Early Rupelian age. More over, kerogen anal y sis in the UV was ap plied for the first time to study the CCPB suc ces sion. As a re sult, re work ing was doc u mented, so far un rec og nized by other meth ods, and the mu tual ver i fi ca tion of the ob tained re sults was pos si ble.