Using a longitudinal screening model, 772 mothers were screened for postnatal depression after delivery in Stuttgart (Germany). This model contained the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD). The first screening was 6-8 weeks after delivery with the EPDS. Mothers with high scores in the first screening had a second screening 9-12 weeks after delivery with the EPDS at least three weeks after the first. Mothers with high scores in both screenings were investigated with the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD). Classification was performed with the DSM-IV. After observation until the third month after delivery, 3.6% (N = 28) of the 772 mothers were diagnosed with postnatal depression. Various methods of therapy were offered to those mothers. 18% (N = 5) accepted one or more of these methods of treatment. The rest of the mothers with postnatal depression refused--mostly for attitudinal or practical reasons. 13.4% of the mothers showed high scores in the first screening but not in the second. For those mothers a longitudinal observation is currently being performed to distinguish between a depressive episode and a depression with oscillating symptoms.
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Using a longitudinal screening-model, 772 mothers were screened for postnatal depression after delivery. This model contains the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD). The first screening was 6-8 weeks after delivery with the EPDS. Mothers with high scores in first screening had a second screening 9-12 weeks after delivery with the EPDS. Time between first and second screening was at least three weeks. Mothers with high scores in both screenings were investigated with the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD). Classification was performed with the DSM IV. After observation until the 3 rd month after delivery 3.6% (N = 28) of the 772 mothers were diagnosed with postnatal depression. Different methods of therapy were offered to those mothers. 18% (N = 5) accepted one or more of these methods of treatment. The rest of the mothers with postnatal depression refused-mostly for factual or practical reasons. 13.4% of the mothers showed high scores in the first screening but not in the second. For those mothers a longitudinal observation is currently being performed to distinguish between a depressive episode and a depression with oscillating Symptoms. Zusammenfassung: Screening und Versorgungsmodalitäten von Müttern mitpostpartaler Depression in Deutschland. Mit einem longitudinalen Screening-Modell wurden 772 Mütter nach der Geburt auf postpartale Depressionen untersucht. Dieses Modell enthält die Edinburgh Postnatale Depressions Skala (EPDS) und die Hamilton Depressions Skala (HAMD). Das erste Screening fand 6-8 Wochen postpartum mit der EPDS statt. Mütter mit auffälligen Werten wurden 9-12 Wochen postpartum nochmal mit der EPDS untersucht. Der Mindestabstand zwischen dem ersten und dem zweiten Screening betrug 3 Wochen. Mütter, die zu beiden Screening-Zeitpunkten auffällige Werte zeigten, wurden mit der Hamilton Depressions Skala (HAMD) interviewt. Es erfolgte eine Einklassifizierung nach dem DSM IV. 3,6% (N = 28) der 772 Mütter zeigten nach der Beobachtung bis zum dritten Monat nach der Geburt eine postpartale Depression.
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