Rocuronium is the best non-depolarizing relaxant to prevent succinylcholine fasciculations and myalgiaPurpose: To determine which non-depolarizing relaxant among d-tubocurarine, vecuronium, atracurium, mivacurium and rocuronium prevented muscular fasciculations and myalgia following succinylcholine. Methods: In this double blind randomized study, 120 female patients scheduled for laparoscopic procedures were studied. They were divided into six groups of 20 according to the non-depolarizing pretreatment used: NaCl 0.9%(control), 0.05 mg'kg -I d-tubocurarine, 0.01 mg'l~ I vecuronium, 0.05 mg'kg -I atracurium, 0.02 mg'kg -I mivacurium and 0.06 -I rocuronium. Four minutes after the pretreatment, 1.5 -I succinytcholine was injected. Side effects of the pretreatment, the presence and magnitude of fasciculations, the ease of tracheal intubation, myalgia I, 24 and 48 hr after surgery were observed. A Puritan Bennett Datex TM 221 NMT Relaxograph monitor was used to evaluate the neuromuscular block. Results: Muscle fasciculations were observed in 19 of the 20 patients in the control group and in 3 of the 20 patients in the rocuronium group, the best of the pretreatments in that aspect. Four patients in the mivacurium group were unable to sustain more than four seconds head-lift after pretreatment (P < 0.05). Tracheal intubation conditions were better and the onset of block was faster and longer after succinylcholine in the control group (P < 0.05). Myalgias were present in 71% of the patients 24 hr postoperatively and the frequency was not different among the groups. Conclusion: Among the pretreatments tested, 0.06 mg'kg -~ rocuronium was the best to prevent muscular fasciculations following succinylcholine injection. In the population studied, pretreatment did not prevent postoperative myalgia. Succinylcholine 1.5 mg-kg -~ was more effective without a non-depolarizing pretreatment. Objectif : D&erminer quel myorelaxant non d~polarisant, dont la d-tubocurarine, le v&uronium, I'atracurium, le mivacurium et le rocuronium, saura le mieux pr~venir ~les myofasciculations et les myalgies qui suivent I'utilisation de succinylcholine. M~thode : Dans cette &ude randomis~e en double insu, 120 patientes devant subir une I~aroscopie ont ~t~ &udi~es. Elles ont ~t~ r~parties en six groupes de 20 selon le pr&raitement non d~polarisant utilis~ : NaCl 0,9 % (t~moin), 0,05 mg'kg "~ de d-bubocurarine, 0,01 mg'kg -j de v&uronium, 0,05 mg'kg "~ d'atracurium, 0,02 mg'kg -I de mivacurium et 0,06 mg'kg "g de rocuronium. Quatre minutes apr~s le pr&raitement, on a administr~ par injection 1,5 mg'kg -~ de succinylcholine. Les effets secondaires du pr&raitement, la pr&ence et rintensit~ des fasciculations, I'aisance de I'intubation endotrach~ale, les myalgies I h, 24h et 48h post chirurgicales ont ~t~ collig&. Un moniteur Relaxographe 221 NMT de Datex | Puritan Bennet a ~t~ utilis~ pour quantifier le bloc neuromusculaire. l~.sultats : Des myofasciculations ont ~t~ observ&s chez 19 des 20 patientes du groupe t~moin et chez 3 des 20 patien...