RESUMO. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito de aditivos promotores de crescimento (prebiótico, probiótico e simbiótico) em substituição ao antibiótico sobre o desempenho e características de carcaça (cortes nobres, órgãos e gordura abdominal), em dietas para frangos de corte de um a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 384 pintos de um dia de idade alojados sobre cama reutilizada. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições, sendo: PROsuplementação com probiótico (2 kg t -1 ), ANT -suplementação com antibióticos (flavomicina 10% -4 ppm e halquinol 60% -15 ppm), PRE -suplementação com prebiótico (5 kg t -1 ), SIMB -suplementação com probiótico e prebiótico (2 e 5 kg t -1 , respectivamente). O probiótico utilizado era composto por Lactobacillus acidophillus; Streptococcus faecium e Bifidobacterium bifidum e o prebiótico utilizado foi inulina (extrato de raiz de chicória). Na fase inicial, os frangos alimentados com dietas contendo probiótico e simbiótico tiveram maior ganho de peso e peso total aos 21 dias. A suplementação na ração com antibiótico proporcionou menor consumo de ração de um a 21 dias de idade. Os promotores de crescimento não apresentaram efeito sobre as variáveis de desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e cortes nobres estudadas na fase de um a 42 dias de idade.Palavras-chave: antibiótico, desempenho, prebiótico, simbiótico.ABSTRACT. Evaluation of inulin and probiotic for broiler chickens. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of growth promoter additives (prebiotic, probiotic and symbiotic) as an antibiotic replacement on the performance and carcass characteristics (prime cuts, organs and abdominal fat) in diets for broiler chickens 1 to 42 days old. A total of 384 birds were used, one-day-old, on a reused bed. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and six replications, namely: PRO -supplementation with probiotic (2 kg t -1 ), ANT -supplementation with antibiotics (flavomycin 10% -4 ppm and halquinol 60% -15 ppm), PRE -supplementation with prebiotic (5 kg t -1 ), SIMBsupplementation with probiotic and prebiotic (2 and 5 kg t -1 , respectively). The probiotic used consisted of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus faecium and Bifidobacterium bifidum, and the prebiotic used consisted of inulin (chicory root extract). In the initial phase, the chickens fed diets containing probiotic and symbiotic had higher weight gain and total weight at 21 days. Supplementation with antibiotics in feed provided a lower feed intake at 1 to 21 days old. The growth promoters did not show an effect on the variables of performance, carcass yield and prime cuts studied in the phase from 1 to 42 days of age.Key words: antibiotic, performance, prebiotic, symbiotic. IntroduçãoA avicultura vem buscando a excelência em produção animal, aliado ao baixo custo e excelente qualidade dos produtos reunindo os diversos conhecimentos nas áreas de sanidade, genética, manejo e nutrição, a fim de atender à demanda e às ex...
RESUMO -Avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes níveis de probiótico na dieta sobre o desempenho, os rendimentos de carcaça, cortes nobres e gordura abdominal, o pH intestinal e os parâmetros sanguíneos de frangos de corte de 1 a 40 dias de idade alimentados com rações com ingredientes de origens vegetal e animal. Foram utilizados 1.000 pintos machos da linhagem Cobb 500, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 10 tratamentos, cada um com 5 repetições de 20 aves por unidade experimental, alojados em cama reutilizada. O probiótico utilizado era à base de Bacillus cereus e Bacillus subtilis e foi incluído nos níveis 0,00; 0,05; 0,10; 0,15 e 0,20% em cada ração. As características de desempenho avaliadas foram peso final, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e mortalidade, avaliados aos 7, 21 e 40 dias de idade. Avaliaram-se também o pH intestinal (duodeno e jejuno) e os parâmetros sanguíneos (cálcio, fósforo, ácido úrico, colesterol, triglicérides e proteínas totais) aos 21 e 39 dias de idade, respectivamente. Aos 40 dias de idade, foram avaliados os rendimentos de carcaça inteira e de cortes nobres e a porcentagem de gordura abdominal. Não houve interação entre os níveis de probiótico e o tipo de ração (origem animal ou vegetal), mas houve efeito dos níveis de probiótico e do tipo de ração sobre o peso, o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar e a mortalidade na fase de 1 a 21 dias de idade, uma vez que a ração de origem vegetal promoveu melhores valores sanguíneos de cálcio, colesterol e triglicérides, determinados aos 39 dias de idade, em comparação à ração de origem animal.Palavras-chave: Bacillus, farinhas de carne e ossos, parâmetros sanguíneos Levels of probiotics in animal and vegetal origin feed for broilers ABSTRACT -It was evaluated the effect of different levels of probiotics in the diet on performance, carcass yield, noble cuts and abdominal fat, intestinal pH and blood parameters of broilers at 1 to 40 days of age fed ingredients of vegetal and animal origin. It was used 1.000 line Cobb 500 broilers, distributed in a complete random design with 10 treatments, each one with 5 replicates of 20 broilers per experimental unity, allocated in a reused litter. The probiotic which was used was based on Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis and it was included at the levels of 0.00, 0.05; 0.10; 0.15 and 0.20% in each feed. The evaluated performance traits were final weight, weight gain, feed intake, food conversion and mortality, evaluated at 7, 21 and 40 days of age. It was also evaluated the intestinal pH (duodenum and jejunum) and blood parameters (calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, cholesterol, triglycerides, and total protein) at 21 and 39 days of age, respectively. At 40 days of age, the yields of the whole carcass and noble cuts, and the percentage of abdominal fat were evaluated. There wasn't interaction between probiotic levels and type of feed (animal or vegetal origin), but there was effect of probiotic levels and type of feed on the weight, weight gain, food conversion and ...
RESUMO -Objetivou-se avaliar os níveis de lisina para frangos de corte na fase de crescimento (22 a 40 dias de idade) ABSTRACT -The lysine levels for chickens in the growing phase (22 to 40 days of age) by using two different electrolytes balance were evaluated. Sixty-four hundred Cobb broiler male of 21 days old were allotted to a completely randomized design as a factorial arrangement of treatments, five lysine levels (1.062, 20, 40, and 60% above and 20% below of recommended levels) and two electrolytes balance (190 and 255 mEq/kg), with four replicates and 16 broilers for experimental unit. There was no interaction among the variables studied, however the lysine levels affected final weight, weight gain and the feed:gain ratio and feed intake, however, the best adjustments were observed when the discontinue LRP model was used, where values above 1.089 and 1.14% of lysine did not increase weight gain and feed:gain ratio. Concerning the blood parameters, only uric acid was affected by lysine levels, but no difference was observed for carcass and prime cuts yield, the abdominal fat was influenced by the dietary electrolyte balance. Lysine levels above 1.089 and 1.14 for weight gain and feed:gain ratio, respectively, did not impair broiler performance. The lysine levels affected neither carcass yield and nor prime cuts yield.Key Words: amino acids, cut birds, electrolytes balance, lysine IntroduçãoO objetivo na produção de frangos de corte tem se modificado ao longo dos últimos anos, com o aumento do consumo interno e das exportações de partes desossadas em detrimento da carcaça inteira. Dessa forma, o rendimento de cortes como peito e pernas, aliado a carcaças com menor quantidade de gordura, passou a ser fundamental para a indústria.A algum tempo atrás, as dietas das aves eram formuladas com base em proteína bruta, o que poderia resultar em grandes perdas, tanto energéticas quanto econômicas, principalmente quando ocorriam desbalanceamento entre aminoácidos. Atualmente, recomenda-se formular dietas
Over the past years, turkey meat has gained a prominent position in the global market. As lysine (Lys) is among the main essential amino acids (AA) for protein deposition in the carcass, defining Lys requirements can contribute to improving the performance and carcass yield of turkey for meat production. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate if the digestible Lys levels proposed by breeder's guidelines are adequate to achieve the best performance in the used rearing and feed conditions of this study. In each phase, 800 female turkeys of the BUT (British United Turkey) hybrid strain were used. The turkeys were distributed in a completely randomized design in experiment 1 (initial phase: 0-25 d) and in a randomized block design in experiment 2 (growth phase: 26-48 d) and experiment 3 (finishing phase: 49-68 d). The treatments consisted of graded levels of digestible Lys with eight replications of 20 turkeys each. The digestible Lys levels tested were 13.6, 14.5, 15.8, 16.9 and 18.2 g/kg in the initial phase; 12.2, 13.2, 14.4, 15.4 and 16.2 g/kg in the growth phase; and 9.7, 10.4, 11.4, 12.1 and 13.7 g/kg in the finishing phase. The average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI), feed efficiency (FE) and carcass yield (CY) were evaluated. The ADG, FE and CY data were improved by the digestible Lys levels (P < 0.05), and the data were adjusted to the quadratic and broken line functions. The digestible Lys level was estimated by the first intercept of the quadratic function with the plateau of the broken line function. At the end of experiment 3, the CY was evaluated (at 68 d). The digestible Lys level for better ADG and FE were, respectively, 16.69 g/kg and 16.55 g/kg in the initial phase, 14.25 g/kg and 14.15 g/kg in the growth phase, and 12.23 g/kg and 12.07 g/kg in the finishing phase. The digestible Lys level for CY was 12.32 g/kg. The current study concludes that digestible Lys levels are in the range of the nutritional guidelines for the strain used, except in the initial phase. Due to the difference in the initial recommendation, these levels should be validated in further investigations through performance trials.
RESUMENObjetivo. Evaluar el uso de probióticos en dietas con ingredientes de origen animal o vegetal sobre las variables productivas de pollos de engorde de 1 a 42 días de edad. Materiales y métodos. Fueron utilizados 1056 pollitos de un día de edad, machos de linaje Ross 308, distribuidos en un diseño experimental completamente al azar en un arreglo factorial 2X4 (dieta de origen animal o vegetal) y cuatro promotores (antibiótico, dos probióticos y un control negativo) con 6 repeticiones y 22 aves por unidad. Resultados. A los 7 días de edad hubo diferencia (p<0.05) en el consumo diario de alimento, peso y ganancia de peso y a los 14 días para peso, ganancia de peso y mortalidad entre las dietas. La conversión alimenticia de 1 a 7 días tuvo interacción (p<0.05) entre los tipos de dieta y los promotores. Hubo diferencia (p<0.05) para el peso y la ganancia de peso a los 14 días de edad entre los promotores. A los 21 días de edad la mortalidad presentó diferencia (p<0.05) para el tipo de dietas; el peso, ganancia de peso, consuno diario de alimento y conversión alimenticia presentaron diferencia para los promotores. A los 28, 35 y 42 días de edad la mortalidad y el índice de eficiencia productiva presentaron diferencia (p<0.05) entre el tipo de dietas. Conclusiones. El tipo de dieta y de promotor de crecimiento no afectan las variables productivas; sin embargo, la viabilidad mejora con las dietas de origen animal. Palabras clave:Bacillus subtilis, desempeño animal, promotores del crecimiento animal (Fuente: Agrovoc). ABSTRACTObjective. Evaluate the use of probiotics in diets whit ingredients of animal or vegetable origin in production variables of broilers from 1 to 42 days of age. Materials and Methods. Were used 1056 one-day-old chicks, male, of lineage Ross 308, divided in to an experimental randomized design in 2X4 factorial arrangement, two origin of diet (animal or vegetable) and four promoters (antibiotic, two probiotics and a negative control) whit 6 replicates and 22 birds per unit. Results. At 7 days old there was a difference (p<0.05) in daily food intake, weight and weight gain and 14 days for weight, weight gain and mortality among diets. The feed conversion of 1-7 days did interaction (p<0.05) between types of diet and promoters. There was a difference (p<0.05) for weight and weight gain at 14 days of age between promoters. At 21 days of age presented mortality difference (p<0.05) for the type of diets; weight, weight gain, daily feed together and feed conversion showed difference for 5337 developers. At 28, 35 and 42 days old mortality and productive efficiency index showed difference (p<0.05) between the types of diets. Conclusions. The type of diet and growth promoter did not affect production variables, however, the viability improvement animal diets.
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