ABSTRACT:The objective of this study was to evaluate estrus appearance of Ongole crossbred cattle on various Body Condition Score synchronized with medroxy progesterone acetate. The material used in this study was 68 head female Ongole Grade cattle and classified into 3 based on BCS, that was low (1-<4), middle (≥4-<7), high (≥7). Parameters of the study were number of cattle showing estrus, an appearance of vulva, mucus, uterus erection, speed, and length of estrus. Collecting data was done since the synchronization was stopped and estrus detection was done at 8 am, 2 pm, and 7 pm on 10 days. Data of this study was analyzed by descriptive mode and independent t-test. The result showed that cattle showing estrus in the group of BCS 1-<4, ≥4-<7 and ≥7 were 32%, 35%, and 40%, respectively. The mode of color and temperature changing on BCS 1-<4, ≥4-<7 and ≥7 were + (100%); vulva swelling each group was + (100%), + (77,78%), + and -(50%), respectively, mode of mucus all of groups were + (100%), while uterus erection at each group of BCS were +(100%), +(77,78%) and +(100%). Average of estrus speed on BCS 1-<4, ≥4-<7 and ≥7 were 364,6±117,65, 312,89±118,01 and 372±220,62, while estrus length BCS 1-<4, ≥4-<7 and ≥7 were 628,71±61,43, 533±190,19 and 422±121,62. In conclusion, estrus synchronization did not give significant effect on various cows BCS groups. The variety of BCS cows showing lust marks with almost the same intensity but moderate BCS is having a better lust than low and high BCS. Low BCS has better lust speed than moderate and high BCS.