des Hyperfrequences et des Semi-conducteurs US JL -59655 a-(Triethy1ammonio)alkane-a-sulfonates (H,C,),N ' -(CH,),-SO,-( n = 2-4), pyridinio-, 2,6-lutidin ioand Nmet hyl imidazol i n iopropa nesu If onates, and triet hylammon ioa I koxydicya noet henolates (H,C,),N'-(CH,),-0-CO-C-(CN),(n = 2, 3) have been studied by dielectric measurements (1 M Hz-1 GHz) in dilute aqueous or trifluoroethanol solution. Their intercharge distances have been derived from their dipole moments ( p in the range 18-30 D) calculated according to Buckingham's theory, and compared with the maximum and minimum intercharge distances estimated by molecular mechanics for the ideal fully extended and ion-pair conformations respectively. For identical tether length, stronger charge delocalization in the cationic (imidazolinium versus pyridinium) or anionic (dicyanoethenolate versus sulfonate) sites slightly increases the intercharge distance, while better specific solvation of the zwitterions by hydrogen bonding in the less dissociating trifluoroethanol does not result in any significant conformational change with respect t o aqueous solutions. Folding of the intercharge arm, negligible for 2-(triethy1ammonio)ethane-1 -sulfonate, progressively increases with its length, but the ion-pair conformation, where the intercharge distance becomes rapidly insensitive to the tether length, is never reached. This behaviour is in good agreement with the variations of the apparent ApK, values of the zwitterions (normalized to that of n-C,H,SO,H) measured by potentiometry in acetic anhydride-acetic acid (9:1, v/v) solution.4 (R = hexyl). In the present work, we focus our attention mainly on the calculation of the dipole moment from dielectric measurements in polar solvents for two series of low molecular weight zwitterionic species chosen as model compounds for the corresponding polymers of current interest in our laboratory: 8 , ' hydrophilic ammoniosulfobetaines studied in water and in trifluoroethanol (TFE) and hydrophobic ammonio-a1 kox ydicyanoe thenola tes studied in TFE solution.
AmmoniosuifobetainesArnmonioal koxydicyanoethenolates n = 2; Et3N-CN3 t~ = 3; EtaN-CN4 O"\CH, n = 3; Py-s3 eN+-(CHJ1-S03-n =3;Lu-s3 \ CH3Critical comparison of the experimental data within these two series may afford useful information on a number of major factors controlling the characteristic zwitterion intercharge distance such as: steric hindrance and polarizability of the * 1 cal = 4.184 J.