The Sasak puppet character as the idea for designing a visual platform game entitled Adventure Of Jayangrana is based on the desire to introduce the Sasak wayang art in the form of games to the younger generation. With this design, it is hoped that the younger generation can get to know the Sasak puppet characters and motivate the younger generation to preserve traditional arts, especially Sasak puppetry as an effort to develop a Sasak culture in contemporary media. The characters in the Sasak puppets are packaged in a contemporary form by adopting them into the form of a platform game visual design entitled Adventure Of Jayangrana. The results of this game's visual concept design are character design, layout design, character animation, and background design. Keyword: Game, Platformer, Sasak puppet
Perjanjian kredit bank seringkali membutuhkan dua jaminan pribadi tambahan. Ini adalah jaminan yang dibuat pihak ketiga, untuk kepentingan debitur, untuk kepentingan debitur. Ini juga dikenal sebagai borgtochten atau jaminan pribadi. Mereka digunakan ketika satu pihak membutuhkan modal lebih dari sekedar pinjaman bank biasanya untuk nilai nominal yang lebih besar. Berdasarkan kajian, ditetapkan bahwa PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk memberikan akad kredit dengan opsi jaminan pribadi setelah meninjau pemeriksaan lapangan oleh staf pemasaran yang meneliti bisnis yang dijalankan. Ini biasanya diikuti dengan penyerahan memorandum dari unit bisnis yang menjelaskan prospek bisnis dan metode operasi. Setelah itu, bank meninjau foto KTP dan kartu keluarga untuk melihat apakah pemohon memiliki prospek bisnis yang dapat dipercaya. Jika ternyata benar, maka bank garansi dikeluarkan. Jaminan yang diterbitkan oleh PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk nilainya sama dengan jaminan yang diterbitkan oleh pemohon. Berbagai status hukum melindungi penjamin jika debitur gagal membayar jaminan pribadi. Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata Indonesia menguraikan masing-masing status ini dalam pasal 1831 dan 1832. Pasal 1831 menyatakan bahwa penanggung tidak wajib membayar kreditur kecuali debitur lalai membayar utangnya. Dalam hal itu, harta debitur disita dan dijual untuk melunasi utangnya. Perlindungan hukum ini diperkuat lagi dengan Pasal 1832 yang menyatakan bahwa penanggung tidak wajib membayar kepada kreditur kecuali jika debitur lalai membayar utangnya.
Batu Kumbung touism village is a tourism village that was established in 2019.The development is quite good towards an independent tourism village, data shows that interest in visiting in 2020 is quite good, local residents increase the improvement of alternative living standards. BUMDesa and LPM Foundation by increasing the potential value of each area in Batu Kumbung. This research applied descriptive qualitative, all of the data obtained from informantsh have a Snowball character (still have a general character), observation has been done by the researcher in Batu Kumbung village to find some informants. Furthermore, the researcher conducted in-depth interview by using a semi-structured formation. Then, all of the documents are needed as the data, obtained from BUMDES, LPM, and Cultural Institution which exist in the village. The analysis used Schlegel theory about the Grounded Research Process. The result of the research found some efforts namely: the branding of Batu Kumbung tourism village did not change the existing potential, all the potential thing which are exist in the village have been repackaged into precious thing. Utilizing existing potential and showing the uniqueness of the village of Batu Kumbung provides more value as the tourism object.
Doing a community service on workshop on the perspectives of Classroom Action Research (CAR) along with writing its proposal towards Islamic Senoir High School’s teachers is based on urgent necessity letting them develop their knowledge on CAR as well as their writing skills of CAR’s proposal. It is worthy that workshop program is considered as an effective imput for the teachers to do CAR as one the parts of those’s instructional responsibility in purpose of improving learning-teaching activities in his/her classroom. CAR must have been as an important problem-solver to make the classroom’s problem up by doing it that it would have yielded the potential methods to undertake an effective classroom’s activities. The methods used used is based on the solution offered, giving the perspectives on CAR along with traning the teachers to write its proposal. This community program suggests that workshop on Classroom Action research was favorably conducted. It was assessed through questionnaires to require the teachers’ perception on workshop activities, namely their perception on knowledge and understanding on the perspectives of CAR 2.9. Furthermore the teachers’ competency on proposal writing activities were assessed 2.8. the assessment was adapted on Likert’s scale (1-4).
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