Dosimetric measurement error is known to potentially bias the magnitude of the dose response, and can also affect the shape of dose response. In this report, generalized relative and absolute rate models are fitted to the latest Japanese atomic bomb survivor solid cancer, leukemia and circulatory disease mortality data (followed from 1950 through 2003), with the latest (DS02R1) dosimetry, using Bayesian techniques to adjust for errors in dose estimates and assessing other model uncertainties. Linear-quadratic models are fitted and used to assess lifetime mortality risks for contemporary UK, USA, French, Russian, Japanese and Chinese populations. For a test dose of 0.1 Gy absorbed dose weighted by neutron relative biological effectiveness, solid cancer, leukemia and circulatory disease mortality risks for a UK population using a generalized linearquadratic relative rate model were estimated to be 3.88% Gy −1 [95% Bayesian credible interval (BCI): 1.17, 6.97], 0.35% Gy −1 (95% BCI: −0.03, 0.78) and 2.24% Gy −1 (95% BCI: −0.17, 13.76), respectively. Using a generalized absolute rate linear-quadratic model at 0.1 Gy, the lifetime risks for these three end points were estimated to be 3.56% Gy −1 (95% BCI: 0.54, 6.78), 0.41% Gy −1 (95% BCI: 0.01, 0.86) and 1.56% Gy −1 (95% BCI: −1.10, 7.21), respectively. There was substantial evidence of curvature for solid cancer (in particular, the group of solid cancers excluding lung, breast and stomach cancers) and leukemia, so that for solid cancer and leukemia, estimates of excess risk per unit dose were nearly doubled by increasing the dose from 0.01 to 1.0