A human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) -seropositive, antiretroviral-naive patient presented with significant cognitive dysfunction. Neuropsychologic, neuroradiologic, immunologic, and virologic studies confirmed HIV-associated dementia (HAD). After 12 weeks of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) with ibuprofen, dramatic improvements were demonstrated in neurologic function and were sustained for ú1 year. HIV-1 RNA in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) decreased from 10 5 to 10 4 copies/mL after 4 weeks. After 20 weeks of therapy, plasma viremia decreased from 10 6 copies/mL to undetectable (õ96 copies/mL). Assays of neurotoxins (tumor necrosis factor-a, quinolinic acid, and nitric oxide) in plasma and CSF were considerably elevated at presentation and significantly decreased after therapy. Baseline plasma and CSF demonstrated neurotoxic activities in vitro, which also reduced markedly. These data, taken together, support the notion that HAD is a reversible metabolic encephalopathy fueled by viral replication. HAART used with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents leads to the suppression of inflammatory neurotoxins and can markedly improve neurologic function in HAD.Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV)-associated deproteins such as gp120, tat, and nef [18][19][20][21][22]. High levels of these macrophage-produced neurotoxic factors have been found mentia (HAD) is characterized by cognitive and motor impairment in 15%-20% of infected patients [1][2][3][4]. Neurologic defiin the brains and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with HAD [23][24][25][26]. These factors produce an encephalopathy with cortical cits have been classified by the American Academy of Neurology, and an algorithm has been developed for mild disand subcortical neuronal damage [27] and induce a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) [28, 29]. ease (minor cognitive/motor disorder) or more severe impairment (HAD) [1]. Dementia can occur with few neuropathologic HIV RNA levels in CSF correlate with the presence and severity of cognitive dysfunction [30 -33]. If a central nervous changes or with encephalitis characterized by multinucleated giant cells, astrocytosis, microglial nodules, myelin pallor, and system virus is both necessary and sufficient to induce neurologic impairment, therapy for HAD should of necessity target neuronal loss [5,6]. Of interest, clinical disease is not caused by active HIV replication in neural cells. The virus's target cells HIV. Inhibitors of HIV protease in combination with nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors can dramatiare mononuclear phagocytes (brain macrophages and microglia) [7,8]. Once infected, these cells become immunoactive and cally reduce levels of plasma viremia [34,35]. Unfortunately, many of these agents are highly plasma protein bound and have produce a variety of neurotoxic secretory products [9]. These include but are not limited to cytokines such as tumor necrosis limited BBB penetration [36]. Zidovudine remains the only drug to date with documented efficacy for H...