A strategic assessment of the contributions of two active-site hydrogen bonds in the binding of nicotinate to recombinant ferric soybean leghaemoglobin a (rLb) was carried out by mutagenic replacement of the hydrogenbonding residues (H61A and Y30A variants) and by complementary chemical substitution of the carboxylate functionality on the nicotinate ligand. Dissociation constants, K d (pH 5.5, m 0.10 m, 25.0^0.1 8C), for binding of nicotinate to ferric rLb, H61A and Y30A were 1.4^0.3 mm, 19^1 mm and 11^1 mm, respectively; dissociation constants for binding of nicotinamide were, respectively, 38^1 mm, 50^2 mm and 12^1 mm, and for binding of pyridine were 260^50 mm, 4.5^0.5 mm and 66^8 mm, respectively. Binding of cyanide and azide to the H61A and Y30A variants was unaffected by the mutations. The pHdependence of nicotinate binding for rLb and Y30A was consistent with a single titration process (pK a values 6.9^0.1 and 6.7^0.2, respectively); binding of nicotinate to H61A was independent of pH. Reduction potentials for the rLb and rLb±nicotinate derivatives were 29^2 mV (pH 5.40, 25.0 8C, m 0.10 m) and 2 65^2 mV (pH 5.42, 25.0 8C, m 0.10 m), respectively. The experiments provide a quantitative assessment of the role of individual hydrogen bonds in the binding process, together with a definitive determination of the pK a of His61 and unambiguous evidence that titration of His61 controls binding in the neutral to alkaline region.Keywords: hydrogen bonds; leghaemoglobin; nicotinate; reduction potential.In 1939, Kubo [1] identified a haem-containing pigment, similar to mammalian haemoglobins, in the root nodules of leguminous plants and established that this molecule was capable of reversible oxygenation. The molecule was named leghaemoglobin (Lb) [2] and, since that time, has been the subject of extensive kinetic, spectroscopic and structural investigations [3±6]. The role of Lb is to maintain and regulate the supply of oxygen to respiring Rhizobium bacteria at a level that does not damage the oxygen-sensitive nitrogenase enzyme [3±6]. Isolation of Lb was, in the early days, problematical [7,8], and it was established quite early on that chromatographically pure samples of protein were not similarly homogeneous when examined spectroscopically [7,9]. It was not until 1973 that the nature of the contaminant was found to arise from the interaction of a pyridine 3-carboxylic acid anion (nicotinate, Fig. 1), present under physiological conditions in the root nodules of the plant, with the haem iron [10]. This binding interaction has direct functional consequences, as interaction of a strong ligand with the haem is likely to affect the ability of the molecule to bind dioxygen in an efficient manner [10]. Subsequently, crystallographic (for soybean [11,12] and lupin [13]) and spectroscopic [14] data for the nicotinate derivatives emerged, which confirmed that a deprotonated pyridine nitrogen provides the sixth axial ligand to the haem and which, for soybean Lb, have implicated the participation of the carboxylate group of t...