Food consumption is one of the vital things that can determine the nutritional status of children. One indicator of the dietary quality of children is dietary diversity. This analysis was carried out to analyze dietary diversity and its relationship to the nutritional status of under-five children in Indonesia. The analysis was carried out on the data of the Individual Food Consumption Survey (IFCS). A total of 5,395 children were sampled in this analysis. Food consumption was collected through 24hr recall. The dependent variable in this analysis is the nutritional status of children (weight for age). The main independent variable is dietary diversity. The results of the analysis show that the types of food consumed most by children under five in Indonesia are cereals, roots, and tubers while the types of food groups that are the least consumed are fruits and nuts. The results of the analysis also show that the higher the age, mother's education and the economic level, the more diverse the consumption of food. The diversity of consumption is also higher for children in urban areas. The results of the analysis show that the diversity of food consumed by infants is related to nutritional status. Less diverse consumption mainly increases the risk of children experiencing severe underweight, even though this relationship is weak. Conversely, less diverse consumption reduces the risk of overweight.
Household food security in some previous studies were found associated with the occurrence of malnutrition in children. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between household food security with stunting in children under 2 years of age (6-23 months) in Kebon Kalapa Village, Central Bogor. This was a cross-sectional study in Kebon Kalapa, Central Bogor Subdistrict. A total of 216 children under two years of age (6-23 months) and their mother were selected as samples in this study. The dependent variable in this study was the nutritional status of children (HAZ), whereas the main independent variables, was household food security. Food security was measured using an instrument called Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS). Results showed that more than half of the households had food secure (63%), and other households which were classified as mild, moderate and severe categorizes of food insecure were 17%, 11% and 9%, respectively. The study concluded that household food security is a risk factor for stunted children under two years of age, where children with food insecure household were at risk of 10.9 times become stunted after corrected by the child's age, birth weight, breastmilk consumption, use of a bottle feeding, food diversity, maternal age, maternal education, maternal nutrition knowledge, food hygiene practice, father's education and father's work.
ABSTRACT The problem of undernutrition and overnutrition among underfive children is still a challenge in improving public health in Indonesia. Public Health Development Index (PHDI) has been developed based on the results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2013. This analysis was carried out to determine the role of PHDI and its constituent components with the nutritional problems of children under five in Indonesia. The 2013 PHDI consists of 7 indexes, namely underfive children health, reproductive health, health services, health behavior, non-communicable diseases, communicable diseases, and environmental health. One-way ANOVA analysis was carried out to analyze the mean differences between the prevalence of undernutrition based on the category of PHDI values, while the analysis of overweight with the PHDI value category was analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis. Analysis of the association between the prevalence of undernutrition and overweight with the PHDI was done using linear regression. Mean analysis of the prevalence of undernutrition according to the PHDI group shows a tendency with the higher PHDI, the lower the prevalence of undernutrition. Linear regression analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between the indices in the PHDI and the prevalence of undernutrition, where the reproductive health index has the highest contribution to the decreament of the prevalence of child undernutrition. In contrary, the analysis of the prevalence of obesity according to the PHDI group shows no difference in the prevalence of obesity with the PHDI group. Linear regression analysis also shows a weak relationship between the PHDI indices and the prevalence of obesity. Keywords: malnutrition; public health development index; under five children ABSTRAK Masalah gizi kurang dan gizi lebih pada balita masih menjadi tantangan dalam perbaikan kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2013 telah dikembangkan Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat (IPKM) yang dapat menjadi arah dalam menentukan prioritas pembangunan di bidang kesehatan. Analisis ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran dari IPKM dan komponen-komponen penyusunnya dengan masalah gizi balita (gizi buruk-kurang, pendek dan gemuk) di Indonesia. IPKM 2013 terdiri dari 7 indeks, yaitu kesehatan balita, kesehatan reproduksi, pelayanan kesehatan, perilaku kesehatan, penyakit tidak menular, penyakit menular, serta kesehatan lingkungan. Analisis one way anova dilakukan untuk menganalisis perbedaan rerata antara prevalensi kurang gizi berdasarkan kategori nilai IPKM, sedangkan pada analisis kegemukan dengan kategori nilai IPKM dilakukan analisis Kruskal-Wallis. Analisis hubungan antara prevalensi gizi kurang dan gizi lebih dengan IPKM dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear. Analisis rerata prevalensi kurang gizi menurut kelompok IPKM menunjukkan kecenderungan semakin tinggi IPKM suatu daerah semakin rendah prevalensi kurang gizi pada balita. Analisis regresi linear menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang siknifikan antara indeks-indeks dalam IPKM dengan prevalensi gizi kurang, dimana indeks kesehatan reproduksi memberikan kontribusi yang paling besar terhadap penurunan prevalensi gizi kurang balita. Sementara analisis prevalensi kegemukan menurut kelompok IPKM menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan prevalensi kegemukan dengan kelompok IPKM. Analisis regresi linear juga menunjukkan hubungan yang lemah antara indeks-indeks IPKM dengan prevalensi kegemukan pada balita. [Penel Gizi Makan 2019, 42(1):1-10] Kata kunci: masalah gizi; indeks pembangunan kesehatan masyarakat; bawah lima tahun
Abstract Mental health care services need to be integrated, starting from the central level to the basic level (Puskesmas) so it can develop community mental health care services. This study was conducted to find out more details about mental health care services in the city of Bogor. This study is part of the study of Mental Health in several parts of Indonesia which is carried out by cross sectional design through a qualitative approach. The informants are the mental health programmer in West Java Provincial Health Office, Bogor City Health Office, Health Centers in Bogor city, and a psychiatrist at the Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital (RSMM). The variables excavated include promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative efforts in mental health program. Data were analyzed thematically according to interview results. The results of the study show that mental health promotion efforts are carried out through socialization of mental health in the community and also in schools, while for preventive efforts, including mentoring the patient's family, searching mental health patients who are shackled, early detection of mental disorders, screening for people with mental disorder (ODGJ) in the community, formation of a mental alert village and 2 minutes screening method at the Puskesmas. Curative efforts were carried out through referral policies of mental health patients (health facilities level 1) can be directly to RSMM (health facilities level 3) and allowed Puskesmas to provide mental medication, while rehabilitative efforts were carried out by striving for a law that supports ODGJ to be able to work across sectors, psychosocial rehabilitation conducted in RSMM and the self-help group program in the Puskesmas. Keywords : mental health; community; services; Abstrak Upaya pelayanan kesehatan jiwa perlu dilakukan secara terintegrasi mulai dari tingkat pusat hingga Pelayanan kesehatan tingkat dasar (Puskesmas) sehingga terbentuk layanan kesehatan jiwa komunitas. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui lebih rinci mengenai pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di Kota Bogor. Studi ini merupakan bagian dari studi Kesehatan Jiwa di beberapa wilayah Indonesia yang dilakukan dengan disain potong lintang melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Informan ialah pemegang program jiwa di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat, Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bogor, Puskesmas di Kota Bogor, serta psikiater di Rumah Sakit Marzoeki Mahdi (RSMM). Variabel yang digali meliputi upaya promotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitatif dalam program kesehatan jiwa. Data dianalisis secara tematik sesuai dengan hasil wawancara. Hasil studi menunjukkan upaya promosi kesehatan jiwa dilakukan dengan sosialisasi kesehatan jiwa di masyarakat dan juga di sekolah, untuk usaha preventif antara lain pendampingan keluarga pasien, pencarian pasien pasung, deteksi dini gangguan jiwa, penjaringan ODGJ di masyarakat, pembentukan kelurahan siaga jiwa serta metode skrining 2 menit di Puskesmas. Upaya kuratif yang dilakukan ialah kebijakan rujukan pasien jiwa dari Puskesmas (faskes tingkat 1) dapat langsung ke RSMM (Faskes tingkat 3) dan diperbolehkannya Puskesmas memberikan obat jiwa, sedangkan upaya rehabilitatif dilakukan dengan mengupayakan Perda yang mendukung ODGJ untuk dapat bekerja pada lintas sektor, rehabilitasi psikososial yang dilakukan di RSMM serta program self-help groupdi Puskesmas. Kata Kunci : kesehatan jiwa; komunitas; pelayanan Abstract Mental health care services need to be integrated, starting from the central level to the basic level (Puskesmas) so it can develop community mental health care services. This study was conducted to find out more details about mental health care services in the city of Bogor. This study is part of the study of Mental Health in several parts of Indonesia which is carried out by cross sectional design through a qualitative approach. The informants are the mental health programmer in West Java Provincial Health Office, Bogor City Health Office, Health Centers in Bogor city, and a psychiatrist at the Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital (RSMM). The variables excavated include promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative efforts in mental health program. Data were analyzed thematically according to interview results. The results of the study show that mental health promotion efforts are carried out through socialization of mental health in the community and also in schools, while for preventive efforts, including mentoring the patient's family, searching mental health patients who are shackled, early detection of mental disorders, screening for people with mental disorder (ODGJ) in the community, formation of a mental alert village and 2 minutes screening method at the Puskesmas. Curative efforts were carried out through referral policies of mental health patients (health facilities level 1) can be directly to RSMM (health facilities level 3) and allowed Puskesmas to provide mental medication, while rehabilitative efforts were carried out by striving for a law that supports ODGJ to be able to work across sectors, psychosocial rehabilitation conducted in RSMM and the self-help group program in the Puskesmas. Keywords : mental health; community; services; Abstrak Upaya pelayanan kesehatan jiwa perlu dilakukan secara terintegrasi mulai dari tingkat pusat hingga Pelayanan kesehatan tingkat dasar (Puskesmas) sehingga terbentuk layanan kesehatan jiwa komunitas. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui lebih rinci mengenai pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di Kota Bogor. Studi ini merupakan bagian dari studi Kesehatan Jiwa di beberapa wilayah Indonesia yang dilakukan dengan disain potong lintang melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Informan ialah pemegang program jiwa di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat, Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bogor, Puskesmas di Kota Bogor, serta psikiater di Rumah Sakit Marzoeki Mahdi (RSMM). Variabel yang digali meliputi upaya promotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitatif dalam program kesehatan jiwa. Data dianalisis secara tematik sesuai dengan hasil wawancara. Hasil studi menunjukkan upaya promosi kesehatan jiwa dilakukan dengan sosialisasi kesehatan jiwa di masyarakat dan juga di sekolah, untuk usaha preventif antara lain pendampingan keluarga pasien, pencarian pasien pasung, deteksi dini gangguan jiwa, penjaringan ODGJ di masyarakat, pembentukan kelurahan siaga jiwa serta metode skrining 2 menit di Puskesmas. Upaya kuratif yang dilakukan ialah kebijakan rujukan pasien jiwa dari Puskesmas (faskes tingkat 1) dapat langsung ke RSMM (Faskes tingkat 3) dan diperbolehkannya Puskesmas memberikan obat jiwa, sedangkan upaya rehabilitatif dilakukan dengan mengupayakan Perda yang mendukung ODGJ untuk dapat bekerja pada lintas sektor, rehabilitasi psikososial yang dilakukan di RSMM serta program self-help groupdi Puskesmas. Kata Kunci : kesehatan jiwa; komunitas; pelayanan
Malnutrition has a role not only to increase morbidity and mortality, but also to psychosocial aspects and intellectual development. Three criteria for malnutrition are: underweight, stunting and wasting, reflecting both past and present growth failures. Growth failure in children under five that occur simultaneously is strongly influenced by the socio-economic conditions of the family. This analysis discusses how disparities in malnourished children in Indonesia are seen from the socioeconomic dimensions of the household. The analysis was done by using Riskesdas 2013 data that was processed by using the HEAT (Health Equity Assessment Toolkit) program issued by WHO 2016. From the analysis, the prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting simultaneously CIAF (Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure) was 2.5%. The lower the economy the higher the prevalence of underfive children experiencing CIAF, under-fives with CIAF mostly live in rural areas compared to CIAF children under five living in urban areas. There are still 15 provinces that have a CIAF prevalence higher than the national figure. CIAF toddlers are more prevalent in mothers with lower level education compared to mothers who have a fairly good level of education. CIAF toddlers occur more common at age over 36 months from the age under 36 months. The provincial dimension gives the highest disparity compared to other dimensions. Abstrak Kurang gizi mempunyai peran tidak hanya terhadap bertambahnya angka kesakitan dan kematian, tetapi juga terganggunya aspek psikososial dan perkembangan intelektual. Tiga kriteria kurang gizi yaitu underweight (berat kurang), stunting (pendek), dan wasting (kurus), mencerminkan kegagalan pertumbuhan baik di masa lalu maupun dimasa kini. Kegagalan pertumbuhan pada balita yang terjadi bersamaan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga. Analisis ini membahas bagaimana disparitas pada anak kurang gizi di Indonesia dilihat dari dimensi sosial ekonomi rumah tangga. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2013 yang diolah dengan menggunakan program Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) yang dikeluarkan oleh WHO 2016. Dari analisis yang dilakukan prevalensi balita yang mengalami underweight, stunting, dan wasting secara bersamaan Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) (sebesar 2,5%. Semakin rendah status ekonomi rumah tangga semakin tinggi prevalensi balita mengalami CIAF. Balita dengan CIAF lebih banyak tinggal di perdesaan dibandingkan dengan balita CIAF yang tinggal di perkotaan. Masih ada 15 provinsi yang memiliki prevalensi balita CIAF lebih tinggi dari angka nasional. Balita CIAF lebih banyak terjadi pada ibu dengan tingkat pendidikan rendah dibandingkan dengan ibu yang mempunyai tingkat pendidikan cukup baik. Balita CIAF lebih banyak terjadi pada usia diatas 36 bulan dari pada usia dibawah 36 bulan. Dimensi provinsi memberikan perbedaan disparitas yang paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan dimensi lainnya.
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