It was found that the average live weight of geese at the beginning of the oviposition was (OS – 3% X OS – 3%): goose – 6.10 kg, goose – 7.30 kg, and (OS – 5% X OS – 5♂): goose – 6,30 kg, goose – 7,37 kg. The average weight of OS–3 goose was 39.5 eggs per head, and OS–5 – 41.4 eggs. At the same time, the average weight of eggs in the 1st group was 154.3 g, and in II – 158.5 g. The indexes of the forms in the I group consisted of: the length of the egg – 84.4 mm, the width – 55.4 mm, the index of form 65.6 in the second group respectively – 84.3 mm; 56.3 mm; 66.7 mm. The study of the incubation qualities of eggs indicates that the higher fertility was in the goose of the second group and amounted to 85.3%, which is 0.9% more compared with the I group. It is known that the yield of caterpillars is dependent on fertility and in the 1st group this indicator was 71.8%, which is 4.3% less than in the second group (76.1%). At 9 weeks of age, males of the II group surpassed their peers from the 1st group by chest covering 1.79%., With a body length of 2.08%, and a kilo length of 7.14%. The same tendency was observed in the shoots of the shin and plyusny, so the males of group ІІ in the first indicator dominated the male and group I by 8,19%; in the second indicator males of the II group dominated the males of the I group by 6.68%. At 9 weeks of age, females of group ІІ grouped over their breasts over their peers from the 1st group by 2.40%, with the body length by 3.21%., With the length of the keel – by 2.34%. Length of the leg and shoulders in the females of the 2nd group were the largest and dominated by females and groups I by the first indicator at 5.26%; in the second indicator, females of the second group dominated the females of the I group by 1.08%. Males at all investigated periods had higher levels of total protein in serum than females. It was found that males at all investigated periods had higher levels of total protein in serum than females. Performance indicators of Ohorin gray geese (Group I) consisted of: carcass weight – 39.5 pc. on the head; the weight of eggs – 154.3 g; fertility – 84.4%; deductibility – 71.8%; the live weight of geese in the 9-week-old age is 4.52 kg males and 3.84 kg females; preservation – 90.7%. Obroshinsky gray goose (group II) are characterized by the highest indexes in relation to the first group: for fertility by 4.8%, fertility by 0.9%, output by 4.9%, live weight of geese at 9 weeks of age (males) – 1.99%, (females) by 0.52%, preservation – 2.90%, egg mass – 2.64%. The highest feather-down raw material was obtained at the age of 18 in geese I group. The basic indices of blood of the examined geese were within the acceptable limits of the norm.
The process of cultivating obroshyno gray geese improved their meat qualities. In particular, we determined by our researches that, based on the indicators of live weight, the males of the II group (4726 g) prevailed geese of the I and II groups (1.02%), while females of the ІІ group (4153 g) prevailed all groups by 4.19%. The weight of non-eviscerated males of the II group was 4116 g, which is 3.78% higher than that of males of the group I, while females of the group ІІ (3461 g) surpassed other geese by this indicator by 5.10%. The weight of eviscerated of carcasses of males of the II group was 3211 g, which is 3.5% higher than that of males of group I, while females of the second group (2738 g) surpassed others by 6.6%. The outcome of edible parts in the young geese of experimental groups was quite high, but the highest was the young in the second group. In males of the second group, this inicator was 61.5%, and females – 58.9%. The weight of the chilled carcasses of males of the II group was 3120 g, which was 3.93% higher than that of the males of the group I, while the females of the second group (2691 g) surpassed others by 7.04%. The weight of the skin with subcutaneous fat in males of the second group was 706 g, which is 3.67% higher than that of male of the group I (681 g), while females of group II (632 g) surpassed others by 4.64%. The mass of internal fat in males of the ІІ group was 111 g, which is 15.62% higher than that of male of the I group (95 g), while females of ІІ group (72 g) exceeded others by 12.5%. The weight of the muscles in the males of the second group was 1695 g, which is 8.58% higher than that of the male of the group I (1561 g), and the females of the second group (1399 g) surpassed others by this indicator – by 7.6%. The obtained data indicate that the most intense accumulation of dry matter in the chest muscles up to 9 weeks of age occurs in geese of the II group. A similar situation is observed in the femoral muscles. At 9 weeks of age, the males of the second group had 29.74% of the dry matter in the breast muscle of the crude mass, females – 27.35% of the crude mass, and in males of the I group – 27.74%, of females – 27.30%. The same regularity in the content of dry matter is noted in the femoral muscle. The accumulation of protein in the studied muscles of geese, as the main indicator of meat quality, was in accordance with the general laws. The highest rate was in the thoracic and femoral muscles of males and females of the II group. The highest level of total nitrogen content in the muscles was found in males of the second group. In experimental geese, the accumulation of protein nitrogen in the chest muscle is higher than in the muscles of the legs. This indicator is higher in males than females. According to the content of albuminous nitrogen in the chest muscle, the highest rate was observed in males II group (3425 mg%). Non-protein nitrogen in the chest muscles and leg muscles increased to 9 weeks of age.
An slaughter, morphological and chemical characteristics of meat obroshynskyh young gray geese, geese crossed with a large gray rock. The average live weight of geese to the top of oviposition was – obroshyno gray, goose – 6.10 kg, geese – 7.00 kg, and Sun OG X: GG goose – 6.15 kg, geese – 7.32 kg. In absolute figures ante carcass live weight of males II (4725 g) prevailed peer group and to 2.94%, and female second group (4152 g) prevailed peers on this indicator at 4.19%. The weight of carcasses of male nepatranoyi second group was at 3.78% larger than males and groups, and group II females predominated peers on this indicator at 5.10%. The weight of carcasses of male patranoyi second group was 3.5% larger than males and groups, and group II females predominated peers on this indicator by 6.6%. Exit edible parts of young research groups was quite high, but this figure was highest in young second group. In the second group of males the figure was 61.5% and females – 58.9%. The mass of chilled carcasses of male second group was at 3.96% larger than males and groups, and group II females predominated peers on this indicator at 7.08%. Weight skin with subcutaneous fat in males Group II at 3.67% higher than the males and females of a second group of peers prevailed on this indicator at 4.64%. The mass of muscles in the male group II at 8.58% larger than the males and females of a second group of peers prevailed on this indicator – by 7.62%. Conducted studies found that productivity was higher in young animals obtained by crossing obroshynskyh gray females with males of a large gray rock.
We set the aim to study the effect of the blood influx of large gray geese and legart geese breeds on the productive qualities of the obroshyno breed group of geese in the third generation) and the legarts that have been highlighted in our previous publications. With the descendants of these crosses breeding and breeding work was conducted in the direction of breeding and productive qualities improvement. For our research, four groups of 50 birds each were compiled from the livestock of geese, which were kept separately for the breeding and egg laying periods (from January to May) to ensure proper feeding and retention. The average geese live weight at the beginning of oviposition were: females OS – 6.25 kg, OB – 6.35, OS ♀ (OS ♀ x BC ♂) – 6.45, OB ♀ (OB ♀ x legart) – 6.5; males OS – 7.15 kg, OB – 7.35, OS ♂ (OS ♀ x BC ♂) – 7.45, OB ♂ (OB ♀ x legart ♂) – 7.50 kg. The duration of oviposition was higher in purebred geese (groups I and III) compared to domestic geese (groups II and IV). The average oviposition of the group I geese was highest – 41.0 pcs/head and was dominated by the group II geese by 1.2%. The weight of OS of geese of group III amounted to 40.6 pcs/head and was dominated by local geese of group IV by 2.9%. However, domestic geese (groups II and IV), by weight of eggs, outperformed purebred geese (groups I and III) by 2.1 and 4.5%, respectively. The study of incubation qualities of eggs shows that the fertilization in purebred AB and OS geese (groups I and III) was 83.9% and 83.0%, and the analogues from II and IV groups prevailed by 0.4 and 0.5%, respectively. The higher hatchability of the geese was in hybrid geese (groups II and IV) than in purebred OBS and geese OS (groups I and III). On the basis of the conducted researches the following conclusions were made: 1. The productivity of geese AB of the breed group (group I) is characterized by the following performance indicators: oviposition – 40.6 pcs. per head; egg weight – 153.2 g; fertilization – 83.5%; deductibility – 71.8%; live weight of geese at 9 weeks of age – males 4.05 kg, females – 3.67 kg; conservation – 87.0%. 2. Local geese of OB x legart (group II) had lower productivity rates: by 2.9%, they had a low fertility rate of 0.5%; fertility – 1.5%; live weight of geese at 9 weeks of age: males – 6.7%, females – 4.6%; conservation – 2.0%; at higher egg mass by 2.1%. 3. Geese of the OS of the breed group (group III) are characterized by the following performance indicators: oviposition – 40.6 pcs. per head; egg weight – 153.2 g; fertilization – 83.0%; excretion rate – 71.0%; live weight of geese at 9 weeks of age – males 4.05 kg, females – 3.67 kg; conservation – 87.0%. 4. Local geese OS x ВS (group IV) are characterized by lower indicators, respectively: with a yield of 2.9%, higher fertilization – 0.5%; with a yield of 1.5%; live weight of geese at 9 weeks of age: males – 6.7%, females – 4.6%; conservation – by 2.0%; at higher egg mass by 4.5%.
Мета. Вивчити селекційно-технологічні заходи підвищення відгодівельних і м'ясних якостей оброшинських сірих та білих гусей, удосконалити оптимальну технологію вирощування гусенят на м'ясо до 9-тижневого віку. Методи. Основним методом селекційно-технологічної роботи були відбір і підбір особин з високими продуктивними властивостями з метою одержання однотипної птиці, яка відповідає запланованим параметрам продуктивності. З поголів'я гусей сформовано 4 групи птиці по 50 гол. у кожній. Годівлю проводили повнораціонними комбікормами і утримували їх в обладнаних пташниках, де враховано територіальні особливості і потрібний кожній птиці простір. Результати. Гусенят на м'ясо вирощували у 2 періоди: 1-й-підготовчий (брудерний), триває з добового до 20-денного віку, враховуючи погодні умови і пору року, і 2-й (довирощування)-з 21-го до 65-75-ти днів. Вивчено ріст і розвиток молодняку гусей та його м'ясні якості. Продуктивність гусей оброшинської білої породної групи (І група) характеризується такими показниками продуктивності: жива маса гусей у 9-тижневому віці-самці-3,90 кг, самки-3,59 кг; збереженість-92%. Помісні гуси ОБ х легарт (ІІ група) мали вищі показники продуктивності: живу масу гусей у 9-тижневому віці-самці-на 18,2%, самки-на 15,9%, збереженість нижча на 0,2%. Гуси оброшинської сірої породної групи (ІІІ група) характеризуються такими показниками продуктивності: жива маса гусей у 9-тижневому віці-самці 4,05 кг, самки-3,67 кг; збереженість-87%. Помісні гуси ОС×ВС (ІV група) характеризуються відповідно вищими показниками живої маси гусей у 9-тижневому віці-самці-на 6,7%, самки-на 4,6%; збереженості-на 2%. За результатами забою визначено, що помісні гуси (ІІ і ІV груп) переважали ровесників за передзабійною живою масою, масою патраної тушки і масою їстівних частин тіла. Висновки.
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