Cubic and hexagonal a-phases, formed during thermal analysis experiments and specific isothermal treatments, have been analyzed for a series of Al-Mn-Si alloys with different iron contents. In these alloys, the Fe/Mn weight ratio was varied from 0.1 to 8.4. This study shows that in Al-Fe-Mn-Si alloys with Fe/Mn weight ratios up to 4, the a-phase has a cubic crystal structure, while in alloys with a Fe/Mn weight ratio of 5.3 or more, the a-phase has a hexagonal crystal structure. Hence, the critical Fe/Mn weight ratio for the cubic to hexagonal crystal structure transition falls between 4 and 5.3 for the studied alloys.
KeywordsAluminum alloys; Intermetallic Al-Fe-Mn-Si phases; X-ray analysis diffraction; Crystal structure type.Efecto de la adición de hierro sobre la estructura cristalina de la fase a-AlFeMnSi formada en el sistema cuaternario Al-Fe-Mn-Si
ResumenLas fases a de estructura cristalina cúbica y hexagonal, formadas durante los ensayos de análisis térmico y tratamientos isotérmicos específicos, han sido analizadas para una serie de aleaciones Al-Mn-Si con diferente contenido de hierro. En estas aleaciones, la relación en peso Fe/Mn se varió de 0,1 a 8,4. Este estudio muestra que las aleaciones Al-13,4Si-1,1 Mn-Fe con relación en peso Fe/Mn menor o igual a 4, la fase a presenta estructura cristalina cúbica, mientras que en aleaciones con una relación Fe/Mn igual o mayor a 5,3, la fase a presenta estructura cristalina hexagonal. Por lo tanto, la relación crítica Fe/Mn para la transición de estructura cristalina de cúbica a hexagonal se encuentra entre 4 y 5,3 para las aleaciones estudiadas.
Palabras claveAleaciones de aluminio; Compuestos intermetálicos Al-Fe-Mn-Si; Difracción de rayos X; Tipo de estructura cristalina.P. OROZCO-gONZálEZ, M. CASTRO-ROMáN, J. lóPEZ-CUEVAS, A. HERNáNDEZ-RODRígUEZ, R. MUñIZ-VAlDEZ, S. lUNA-álVAREZ AND C. ORTIZ-CUEllAR 454 Rev. metal. 47 (6), NOVIEMBRE-DICIEMBRE, 453-461, 2011, ISSN: 0034-8570, eISSN: 1988-4222, doi: 10.3989/revmetalm.1068 1.2, the presence of cubic a and a bcc -AlFeMnSi phases, the latter described as Al 19 Fe 4 MnSi 2 , has been reported [5] . The formation of a hexagonal a h -AlFeMnSi phase, with a formula of Al 8 Fe 2 Si, has also been reported [6, 10 and 11] . Tibballs et al. [12] studied a set of eight alloys of the Al-(6-8)Si-(0.4-3.5)Fe-(0.1-3.6)Mn system. They reported the precipitation of a cubic a c -AlFeMnSi phase in alloys with a Fe/Mn weight ratio up to 8.3, whereas the a h -AlFeMnSi was the stable phase in alloys with a Fe/Mn ratio equal or higher than 12.5.From the point of view of the improvement of the available thermodynamic databases, the study of Al-Fe-Mn-Si system and other alloy systems is gaining importance in basic and applied research. Ravi and Wolverton [13] made a critical comparison of the two commercially available Al-alloy thermodynamic databases: Thermotech and Computherm. They observed some differences in the databases with regard to the intermetallic compounds involving iron, manganese, chromium, and zinc. Thus, they...