ABSTRACT. Floating population and comparison of collection method of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae). Environmental factors act as regulators of expanding populations of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762). This study aimed to evaluate the influence of temperature, relative air humidity, and pluviometric precipitation on the population dynamics of Ae. aegypti. The research was conducted at Boqueirão, Campina Grande and Remígio, state of Paraíba, comprising an 12-month period, using the method of collects per trap oviposition and larvae research. The population fluctuation of eggs and other immature forms as well as the infestation rates for eggs and larvae were correlated to climatic data using the Pearson correlation analysis. The chi-square and Tukey tests were used to compare the infestation between the study areas, and efficiency between research methods with trap oviposition and larval collecting. No correlations were found between climate variables and population dynamics of Ae. aegypti, neither with the indexes for oviposition trap (IAO) and Breteau (IB). The IAO was considered high, with an average of 54.9, 59.53 and 59.51%, while the IB was very low with an average of 1.55, 1.69 and 3.64, for the municipalities of Boqueirão, Campina Grande and Remígio, respectively. The chi-square analysis for the number of positive properties was highly significant, and we may infer that the collection method for oviposition trap was more efficient than the larvae research in the detection of infestation by Ae. aegypti. The results indicated that the evaluated factors cannot be considered isolated on ecological analysis of the distribution of this species, since correlations were not found between vector presence and climatic factors such as temperature, relative air humidity and rainfall. So in the ecological analysis of the distribution of Ae. aegypti should be considered the multiple constraints and determinants of its infestation.
KEYWORDS.Vector, ecology, distribution, collection methodology. (Linnaeus, 1762). Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a influência da temperatura, umidade relativa do ar, e precipitação pluviométrica na flutuação populacional de Ae. aegypti. A pesquisa foi conduzida em Boqueirão, Campina Grande e Remígio, Estado da Paraíba, compreendendo um período de 12 meses, utilizando-se o método de coleta por armadilha de oviposição e de pesquisa larvária. A flutuação populacional de ovos e de outras formas imaturas, bem como os índices de infestação para ovos e larvas foi correlacionada com os dados climáticos utilizando-se a análise de correlação de Pearson. Os testes do qui-quadrado e de Tukey foram utilizados para comparar a infestação entre as áreas de estudo e a eficiência entre os métodos de pesquisas com armadilha de oviposição e de coletas de larvas. Não foram encontradas correlações entre as variáveis climáticas e a flutuação populacional de Ae. aegypti, nem com os índices para armadilha de oviposição (IAO) e de Breteau (IB). O IAO foi considerado alto, com média de 54,9; 59,53 e 59,5...