In the pres ent work we in ves ti gated the gamma ra di a tion pa ram e ters as mass at ten u a tion coef fi cients m/r, the to tal atomic scat ter ing cross-sec tions s t , the elec tronic scat ter ing cross-sections s e , the ef fec tive atomic num bers Z eff , and the ef fec tive elec tron den si ties N eff for some poly mers such as polyoxymethylene (CH 2 O), poly acrylonitrile (C 3 H 3 N), nat u ral rub ber (C 5 H 8), poly ethyl acrylate (C 5 H 8 O 2), polyphenyl methacrylate (C 10 H 10 O 2), and poly eth ylene tetraphthalate (C 10 H 8 O 4). The gamma ray pho tons were de tected by NaI(Tl) de tec tor with res o lu tion of 8.2 % at 662 keV, us ing ra dio ac tive gamma ray sources 57 Co, 133 Ba, 137 Cs, 54 Mn, 60 Co, and 22 Na at en er gies 122, 356, 511, 662, 840, 1170, 1275, and 1330 keV. Val ues of m/r for the cho sen poly mers de crease with in creas ing en ergy. The re sults of in ves ti gated data are use ful in plas tic in dus try, build ing ma te ri als, ag ri cul ture fields ra di a tion shield ing, ac cel er a tor cen ters, poly mer in dus try, med i cal field, etc.