Objective. Studying of velocity of prevalence of luminescent dye indocyanine green along lymphatic vessels in the large bowel surgery.
Materials and methods. Estimation of procedure for coloring of tumoral substrate and lymphatic vessels while performance of oncological operations was conducted. We performed laparoscopic resection of sigmoid colon in 7 patients, suffering tumors, and anterior rectal resection in 5 patients, having tumors of upper ampullary part of rectum, using indocyanine green dye.
Results. In Group I, consisting of 7 patients, surgical technique of no touch manipulations on the tumor before transection of feeding vessels (NTIT–operations) was applied, and in Group II, consisting of 5 patients, the tumor mobilization was done primarily. Application of indocyanine green dye helped a lot to establish localization and prevalence of the process in rectum.
Conclusion. Application of fluorescent dye indocyanine green on tumoral substrate before doing ligation of feeding vessels raises possibility of the complication occurrence, consisting of the cancer cells dissemination in abdominal cavity. While performing laparoscopic procedures in resection of the large bowel tumors it is expedient to ligate the feeding vessels primarily, with secondary manipulation– to dissect and mobilize the tumoral substrate.
The aim of the work: to determine the optimal method of reoperation for recurrent inguinal hernias after laparoscopic hernioplasty.
Materials and Methods. The research was conducted on the basis of the Regional Clinical Hospital (Odesa). During the period from 2012 to 2021, 36 patients with relapses after previous laparoscopic interventions for inguinal hernias were operated on in our clinic. Among these patients, there were 29 men and 7 women. Bilateral inguinal hernias were observed in 9 patients. Relapse occurred on one side in 6 patients, bilateral recurrence was in 3 patients. The results were evaluated according to the following criteria: the severity of postoperative pain, the number of postoperative complications, the length of stay in the hospital, recovery time after surgery and the patient's return to work.
Results and Discussion. The duration of repeated laparoscopic interventions was (82±10) min and significantly exceeded the duration of open operations (p<0.05). The severity of pain in 12 patients after repeated operations that could be performed laparoscopically was significantly lower than in open interventions (VAS 4.8 vs 8.7, p < 0.05). Severe seromas in the area of the installed mesh were observed in 5 patients operated on by the laparoscopic method and in 4 patients operated on using the Liechtenstein method. Suppuration of the postoperative wound was observed in 3 patients, two of them underwent conversion. Patients started work after laparoscopic operations in 14–18 days, after open operations in 19–27 days (p>0.05).
The choice of the method of repeated interventions for recurrent inguinal hernias depends on many factors. The main method of repeated interventions should be considered an open operation according to the Lichtenstein method. Under certain conditions, a second laparoscopic hernioplasty can be performed.