lrlgliluI[.' [If B(atany, ,'M adernia Sinica, Nankang,1 ,'.iplg, raiv,,,u~ 11 ~2!l, drlr, J /'D(?raarml(,t11 i.~r St,lld lel/hr~ologv, Td.illl.,i, Ta!wan ]11 ABSTRACT: ViJlrio mimicu,~ arylesterase, a 20 kDa protein, is a nlultiiuln~ tifma] enzyme with Ihioe,qer,tse at:<] chyl~qntl-yl)sin-like activilies, gecaLise an aflinily His-tag ,:six consecutive his{idin0 affinily' tag:l clirectly, [o the prnh.qn cau,4~d Ihe loss of enzyllq[? aLtivity, a hr,.,xade(-a]X':l::.tide v,.,itl'. His-tag, A1)I'NSSSVf)K1.AAAL.r_-HHH1-]HH encoded from vector pET-2Ob,:+i was (.iJllS]l-Ut:l(xt [{I ,Pxlen(J (mnl the carboxyl tr,_'lnlil~uls of the arvlesterase. This His. taggell pr~lein r,~:,[a]rqr,.,.(] enzyme fLJn,r..-ti,r'l~,S. Thermal unroh-ling l>e. hm,.'i[~r ol l~oIh proteins was ahnosl identical, and lheir T vakles were near 54:>(.7 as rnonilored 1),,. cilr.:ular dicl:,loism. l-ryl:>tic ,: le,tvage of lhe I'un~:tiemal His-tagged enzyme fm~du,:ed 1,a.'o smaller i)rGeins, which slill i~{~ssessed enZynlC a(_livily and whi{ h suggeslt.,ct [hal the addilii~na] ]leptide extended ~)n the ~t_tr'-Iat:e. fl',tt spa( htg pepfide hetweerl His-tag and arylesterase successlullv FXeVenle,d tl'i{, iNlerr'erulce of lhe His-tag to the enzyme functions. lhu kh~,:,li,: sludies sh(),,.ve~l ~l~( the wild q,'pe. /A(.)C5 74. 1}7l-1:176,:1 !;97).