Abstraet--Cultured mwse neuroblastoma cells (clone N18) contained a homologous series of gangliosides, G,,, G,,, G,, and Gola; the total lipid bound sialic acid (LBSA) was 3 3 nmol per mg of protein, of which G,,, comprised two-thirds. In contrast, neonatal hamster astrocytes (clone NN) and human gliohlastoma cells (Cox clone) contained mainly G,,, which represented 95:i of the 2 nmol of LBSA per mg protein in these cells. When the cells were grown in the presence of ['4C]galactose, hhel was incorporated into all of the gangliosides isolated from the cells. The laheling pattern corresponded to thc ganglioside composition of the cell lines; Gola was morc extensively labeled in N18 cells and G,, was the major labeled ganglioside extracted from glial cells. In addition to in riuo biosynthesis. in r i m synthesis of gangliosides was also determined. The activities of five glycosyltransferases of the ganglioside biosynthetic pathway were measured in homogenates of the three cell lines. The neuroblastoma cells contained all five enzyme activities whereas the two glial cell lines were deficient in UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine : G,, N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity, which catalyzes the synthesis of G,, from GM3. The results indicated that cells of neuronal origin contain the more complex gangliosides associated with CNS and the requisite biosynthetic enzymes and that cells of glial origin are missing these complex gangliosides and the key glycosyltransferase required for their synthesis.