VICO Indonesia operates in Sanga-Sanga, East Kalimantan produce gas and oil with approximately 1.0 BSCFD and 30,000 BOPD in 5 main plants; Badak, Nilam, Semberah, Mutiara, and Pamaguan. VICO Indonesia is continuously encouraged to reduce operating costs by minimizing operations cost and optimizing operability. One of the strategies is using Risk based approach methodology in carrying out inspection management for pressurized production facility. The objective of risk-based inspection is to ensure and maintain the required confidence of pressurized production facilities and maximizes its operating availability by planning of inspection interval and methods.
The basic steps of risk-based inspection are:Creation and maintenance of asset registerAssessment of consequence and probability of failureCreation inspection planningEvaluate the inspection resultsReview by risk based "team approach"
The feedback loop of risk-based inspection is essential for the continuous improvement.
This paper summarizes the experience in developing and implementing risk based inspection strategy for tackling the most failure mode in VICO Indonesia's pressurized surface production facilities. A description is given on how to focus inspection resources using risk based "team approach" involving inspection, operation and process engineers. A challenge of obtaining a reliable and cost effective inspection technique is also described. Finally, some useful lesson learned are included to prevent common problems from recurring, to stimulate the application of better practice and where possible to prevent or reduce the failure.
VICO Indonesia operates in Sanga-sanga PSC, East Kalimantan Indonesia, since 1968. It became major gas producer for world largest LNG plant in Bontang, Indonesia, since 1977. Current production is 1.0 BCFPD and 30,000 BOPD. It has pressurized production facilities such as 1,379 static equipment, 11,096 in-plant piping, 568 flowlines and 43 pipeline/trunkline at 5 (five) main fields i.e. Badak, Nilam, Semberah, Mutiara, and Pamaguan/Beras. The oldest plant is Badak, built in 1976, and the youngest is Mutiara, built in 1991.
The goal for VICO Indonesia is to develop, produce and deliver oil and gas in reliable manner with the highest priority by conducting all activities safely, with no harm to people or the environmental damage. As a responsible operator, it has two main objectives in operation of its facilities. They are; to ensure the integrity of all the time and ensure safe and serviceable facilities throughout the end of Production Sharing Contract (PSC) contract.
Equipment inspection for mechanical integrity, safe and serviceable facilities is a major issue to verify that equipments is capable for use to prevent accident or minimizing catastrophic hazard. It is known that there are two extremes inspection, both undesirable. One extreme is very little inspection by replacing the equipment when it leaks or fail. The reason why this extreme is unacceptable is obvious. On the other extreme is inspection of all pressure equipment so often and so thoroughly that it becomes high cost. Risk Based Inspection (RBI) breaks the both extreme inspection in that it uses risk as a basis prioritizing and managing the effort of an inspection program. RBI is implemented as apart of strategy to reduce risk and at the same time to improve mechanical integrity and operation reliability.
Some examples of RBI in action and lesson learned are presented showing the benefit achieved through application of RBI and feedback for its continuous improvement.