LGN2018 is een gridbestand dat het Nederlands landgebruik in 2018 met een ruimtelijke resolutie van 5 m weergeeft. Het bestand kent 48 landgebruiksklassen waarbij de belangrijkste landbouwgewassen, bos, water, natuur en stedelijke klassen worden onderscheiden. Naast de vergroting van het ruimtelijke detail (van 25*25m naar 5*5m), is de thematiek van met name de natuur sterk verbeterd door onder andere het gebruik van multitemporele Sentinel-2 beelden en het AHN2/3-bestand. Verder wordt bij de productie van LGN2018 gebruikt gemaakt van de topografische dataset BRT/Top10NL (versie november 2018),
, 2016. A new Global Agro-Environmental Stratification (GAES).Wageningen, Wageningen Environmental Research, Report 2761. 70 pp.; 46 fig.; 12 tab.; 71 ref.The GAES database (Version 01a) is a newly developed Global Agro-Environmental Stratification within the EU SIGMA (Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture) project. GAES will serve as a new agro-environmental stratification for better global monitoring of the agricultural production on the basis of Earth Observation data and crop growth models. It is anticipated that GAES will be exploited for a wider range of applications, some within SIGMA, towards data gap analysis that identifies agro-environmental strata with limited capacity and monitoring data on agricultural production. GAES was produced by applying segmentation techniques to newly available global agroenvironmental data with a high spatial resolution re-sampled to 1 km spatial resolution. The datasets were able to stratify the agricultural production zones according to the region's agro-environmental characteristics, including climatic regimes, soil, terrain, elevation conditions, water availability and land cover proprieties. The GAES strata obtained by segmentation at four different spatial levels (with Level 4 as the most detailed) have been further characterised and described in terms of phenology (e.g. start and peak of the growing season), agricultural (water) management practices, field size, biotic constraints, national and sub-national crop production statistics, GDP, transport infrastructure conditions or market accessibility. The GAES database has four hierarchical layers, with 92 attributes.GAES Level 1 has 194 agro-environmental (AE) types (818 strata); GAES Level 2 has 300 AE types (1,688 strata); GAES Level 3 has 374 AE types (2,087 strata); GAES Level 4 has 516 AE types (3,208 strata). GAES typology is a combination of temperature, altitude, parent material and land cover characteristics. GAES Version 01 has become freely available.
ReferaatVries, S. de, W. Nieuwenhuizen & J.M.J. Farjon (2017) This study set out to measure what influence the type of environment has on how happy people say they feel at a certain moment in time, with the aim of formulating rules for quantifying the effect of spatial changes on wellbeing. A smartphone app was developed for use by a broad sample population in the Netherlands, with push notifications prompting people to report how they felt at a certain moment. From 1 May to 28 July of 2016, 4318 unique participants made use of this HappyHier app, filling in at least one questionnaire on location. The results show that people are happier outdoors than indoors. And when they are outdoors, they are happier in predominantly natural surroundings than in more built-up areas. Moreover, from the ratings given to the surroundings, it can be concluded that they have a more positive effect when the participants found them more restful or stimulating. People's impressions of the beauty of their surroundings had less influence.
Sjerp de VriesWim Nieuwenhuizen
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