Tbis report m preQBsed rw en wcmint of & v e m~~t aptmaod &. NeiW the United nor any person &g on behalf of the Commkion: A. BEdm g~y r warranty or-tion, express or implied, with rape& to the ammaq, c4mpletacw. or nsehrlnells d the information conbind in this report, OP that the rrae of m y ii3mmattion, a~~, method, or pmcesa & c l d in tbis report mkg not infringe privately a d **, or B. ~~~~e s w i t h~t o t h e useof,arfordsa~nsgesdtj,gfmmtheum of aay infomation, apps~rttus, m&, or prooeas r5do.d in tbis report, As Bs in the above, "pe1~0n &ing on behalf of the Cormmiasion" inc'udea asy employee or contractor of the 4kmfnidon to the extent ehat %uohempIoyee or contmcto~ pmpwcs, handlee or dktrihtes, or provides tlecese to, any information punmant to bi9 ~mplowent or co&act with the C d o a This report has been reviewed in the Office of Civil Defense and approved for publication. While the finangs are regarded as possibly significant, approval for publication doer not slgniiy that fhe contents ne~ewrily refled the views and policies of She OfRee of Civil Defense and of the Department of Defense, Qualified requestors may obtain copies of this report fmm the Defense Documentation Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. The general public mag purchase copier of .this report from the Office of Techniral Sedces, US. Department of Commerce, Waskington, D. C. 20294.