AbstrakIkan gabus (Channa striata) merupakan jenis ikan air tawar yang sudah banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Ikan gabus hidup di muara sungai, danau, rawa, dan dapat pula hidup di air kotor dengan kadar oksigen rendah. Ikan gabus belum banyak dibudidayakan secara luas dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai produk olahan ikan. Informasi mengenai proporsi tubuh ikan gabus masih kurang dan belum banyak dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan proporsi bagian-bagian tubuh ikan dan komposisi kimia daging ikan gabus pada berbagai ukuran (0,5 kg; 1 kg; dan 2 kg) dan jenis kelamin. Prosedur yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu pengukuran proporsi tubuh ikan dan analisis proksimat. Ikan gabus betina memiliki rendemen daging yang lebih tinggi dibanding ikan gabus jantan. Rendemen terbesar terdapat pada daging dengan bobot tubuh ikan 2 kg. Kadar air dan kadar abu tertinggi terdapat pada ikan gabus jantan 0,5 kg yaitu 80,41% dan 1,47%. Kadar protein tertinggi yaitu 20,14% terdapat pada ikan gabus betina 1 kg. Kadar lemak tertinggi terdapat pada ikan gabus jantan 2 kg yaitu sebesar 1,69%. Kadar karbohidrat tertinggi terdapat pada ikan gabus betina 2 kg yaitu 2,71%.Kata kunci: ikan gabus, proksimat, proporsi tubuh Abstract Snakehead (Channa striata) is a freshwater fish well known by Indonesian people. Snakehead lives in outfall, lakes, swamp, as well as dirty water with low oxygen content. Snakehead is not widely cultivated and utilized yet as the fish processed products. Information on body proportion of snakehead is still lacking. Thus, the purpose of the research was to determine the body parts proportion of fish and chemical composition of flesh on any sizes ( 0.5 kg; 1 kg ; and 2 kg) and sex. Procedure was carried out by measurement of fish body proportion of fish and proximate analysis. Generally, female type had higher yield of meat than male one. The largest body part of snakehead was found on flesh of fish 2 kg. The highest water and ash levels found on male snakehead (0.5 kg) were 80.41% and 1.47%. The highest protein content was 20.14% found on 1 kg female snakehead. In other hand, the highest fat content was found on 2 kg male snakehead (1.69%). In addition, the highest content of carbohydrate was on 2 kg female snakehead (2.71%).
Seaweed is one of the main commodity which spread throughout Indonesian waters. Seaweed contains bioactive compounds which can serve as a defense form ultraviolet radiation. The purpose of this study was to obtain chemical composition, phytochemical compounds, vitamin E, and antioxidant activity of extract P. australis and E. cottonii. Chemical composition of P. australis moisture 87.25%; ash 2.34%; protein 1.05%, fat 0.58%; and carbohydrates 8.78% while E. cottonii moisture 76.15%; ash 5.62%; protein 2.32%; fat 0.11%; and carbohydrates 15.8%. The yield of P. australis extracts using methanol 4.55%; ethyl acetate 0.8%; and n-hexane 0.45%, yield of E. cottonii extracts using methanol 6.6%; ethyl acetate 0.5%; and and n-hexane 0.35%. Vitamin E value of P. australis 162.75 μg/mL and E. cottonii 158.07 μg/mL. IC50 value of P. australis 87.082 ppm and E. cottonii 106.021 ppm. P. australis and E. cottonii contain phytochemical compound such as flavonoids, phenol hydroquinone, and triterpenoids, P. australis was also known contain tannins and<br />saponins.
<p><strong><em>Abstract. </em></strong><em>The nutrition contains on eel flash aremainly </em><em>amino acids, fatty acids, cholesterol</em><em>, and mineral. </em><em>The chemical content of foods </em><em>are change during frying</em><em> process. The </em><em>aim of this research was to studythe rendemen, proximate composition (moisture, ashes, protein, and fat content), and analyzing the influence</em><em> </em><em>of deep fryingon amino acids, fatty acids</em><em>, cholesterol</em><em>, and mineralof eel. </em><em>The research </em><em> measures were eel morfometric which includes length, diameter, circumference, total weight, yield, proximat, amino acids, </em><em>fatty acids, cholesterol, </em><em>and mineral analysis on fresh eel and after frying in 180 <sup>o</sup>C temperature for 5 minutes.Rendemen of fr</em><em>ied eel reduc</em><em>edabout 26%. The </em><em>increasing of proximate levels </em><em>were found on ashes by 2.56% and fat </em><em>by 14.47%</em><em> while water, protein, and carbohydrate were</em><em> decreased about 55.43%, 2.84%, and 14.19% respectively.</em><em> All of the eel amino acids were</em><em> decrease after deep frying. The highest non essensial amino acid on fresh and fried eel were </em><em>glutamic acids by 12,89 g/100g </em><em>and 9,06 g/100g</em><em> respectively, and essensial amino acid were</em><em> lisin by 7,13 g/100g </em><em>and 4,91 g/100g</em><em> respectively. Limit amino acid on fresh and fried eel were </em><em>histidine by 1,54 g/100g </em><em>and 1,18 g/100g</em><em> respectively.Deep frying could</em><em> increase palmitic acid by 17.37%</em><em>, oleic acid </em><em>by 24.31</em><em>%,and </em><em>EPA </em><em>by 1.42%. Cholesterol content average of fresh eel was 30.15 mg /100 grams and fried eel was 170.44 mg /100 grams</em><em>. Calcium, natrium, kalium, magnesium, iron, and zinc are decrease and the copper were</em><em>increase.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em> : composition; eel; </em><em>heating; </em><em>nutrition; </em><em>processing</em></p><p><strong>Abstrak. </strong>Kandungan gizi dalam daging belut sawah diantaranya adalah asam amino, asam lemak, kolesterol, dan mineral. Proses penggorengan dapat mempengaruhi kandungan kimia suatu bahan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari rendemen, komposisi proksimat (air, abu, protein, dan lemak) serta menganalisis pengaruh penggorengan terhadap kandungan asam amino, asam lemak, kolesterol, dan mineral belut sawah. Penelitian mencakup pengukuran morfometrik belut sawah segar yang meliputi panjang, diameter, lingkar badan, dan berat total, pengukuran rendemen, analisis proksimat, analisis asam amino, asam lemak, kolesterol, dan analisis mineral pada belut sawah segar dan setelah penggorengan dengan suhu 180 <sup>o</sup>C selama 5 menit.Rendemen belut goreng mengalami susut sebesar 26%. Perubahan kadar proksimat adalah peningkatan kadar abu sebesar 2,56% dan peningkatan kadar lemak sebesar 14,47%. Penurunan terjadi pada kadar air yaitu sebesar 55,43%, protein sebesar 2,84%, dan karbohidrat sebesar 14,19%. Keseluruhan kandungan asam amino belut mengalami penurunan setelah penggorengan. Asam amino non esensial tertinggi pada belut sawah segar dan goreng adalah asam glutamat yaitu 12,89 g/100g dan 9,06 g/100g, sedangkan asam amino esensial yang tertinggi adalah lisin yaitu 7,13 g/100g dan 4,91 g/100g. Asam amino pembatas pada belut sawah segar dan goreng adalah histidin yaitu 1,54 g/100g dan 1,18 g/100g. Proses penggorengan dapat meningkatkan kandungan asam palmitat sebesar 17,37%, asam oleat sebesar 24,31%, dan EPA sebesar 1,42%. Kandungan kolesterol rata-rata belut segar adalah 30,15 mg/100 gram dan belut goreng adalah 170,44 mg/100 gram.Mineral kalsium, natrium, kalium, magnesium, besi, dan seng juga mengalami penurunan sedangkan tembaga mengalami kenaikan.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong> :belut sawah; komposisi; gizi; pemanasan; pengolahan </p>
Sea urchin is highly valued seafood. Its bioactive compound also has a potential as natural antibacterial agent. The aim of this research was to screen the antibacterial activity using cup-plate method, toxicity potential using brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) method, bioactive compound using phytochemical method, and proximate composition by AOAC. This research was devided into two phases, the preliminary research was to determine the best body part of sea urchin showing antibacterial activity. Sea urchins were collected from Pramuka Island and extracted by meseration method. For the preliminary research, gonad extract showed the high antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus at 1.83 ± 0.74 mm and 1.5 mm, respectively. The main research includes the determination of proximate composition, toxicity, bioactive compound, and antibacterial activity from the best body part of sea urchin. The proximate composition from gonad of sea urchin showed that water content 64.97 ± 0.08%; ash 2.72 ± 0.13%; lipid 19.73 ± 0.04%; protein 12.26 ± 0.3%, and 0.33 ± 0.17%, respectively. The detected bioactive compounds from the three different solvents of gonads extracts were steroid, triterpenoid and saponin. The result of lethal toxicity (LC50) from the three gonads extract was 471.861 ppm (n-hexane), 563.226 ppm (ethyl acetate) and 577.531 ppm (methanolic), respectively. Gonads ethyl acetate extracts showed the highest antibacterial activity than n-hexane and methanolic extract, its inhibition zone was 2.71 mm against S. aureus and 4.13 against E. coli. Keyword : Antibacteria, bioactive compound, D. setosum, sea urchin
AbstrakPindang diklasifikasikan sebagai produk olahan setengah awet karena pada umumnya daya awet ikan pindang relatif singkat. Pembentukan histamin yang cepat akibat kegiatan enzim dan bakteri yang terdapat pada ikan tersebut menjadikan ikan lebih cepat busuk dan daya simpan ikan akan lebih singkat, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai identifikasi kadar histamin pada bakteri hasil olahan pindang bandeng tongkol (Auxis rochei). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis histamin dan bakteri pembentuk histamin pada olahan ikan pindang tongkol (A. rochei). Ikan tongkol segar diperoleh dari hasil penangkapan kapal satu hari melaut dengan alat mini purse seine di TPI Cisolok Palabuhanratu. Ikan tongkol dibawa ke tempat pengolahan menggunakan coolbox dan diolah menjadi pindang badeng dengan taburan garam 20% dan perebusan selama 8 jam. Pindang tongkol yang dihasilkan disimpan pada suhu kamar dengan penyimpanan sampel pada jam ke 0,8,16,24 dan 32 jam. Pengamatan sampel dilakukan secara kimiawi (histamin dan TVB) dan mikrobiologi (TPC, identifikasi bakteri, kadar histamin pada bakteri). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyimpanan ikan pindang dapat mengaktifkan kembali produksi kadar histamin dimana menunjukkan nilai berbeda nyata selama 32 jam proses penyimpanan. Nilai TVB dan TPC juga meningkat selama proses penyimpanan pada pindang ikan tongkol (A. rochei). Teridentifikasi 6 jenis bakteri pembentuk histamin yang terdapat pada pindang ikan tongkol (A. rochei) yaitu P. vulgaris, H. alvei, M. Morganii, E. aerogenes, K. oxytoca, K. pneumonieae. Hasil uji aktifitas pembentukan histamin bakteri menunjukkan bahwa K. pneumonioe mempunyai kemampuan membentuk bakteri tertinggi sedangkan pembentukan histamin terendah yaitu H. alvei. Kata kunci: Histamin, bakteri, pindang ikan tongkol (Auxis rochei) AbstractPindang is a semi-dried product which relatively short lasting products. Due to the rapid formation of histamine and bacterial enzyme activities contained in the fish, it is necessary to study and identify the histamine levels either on fresh tuna or in its pindang. This study aims to analyze histamine and histamineforming bacteria in processed pindang tuna (A. rochei). Fresh tuna (A. rochei) was obtained from TPI Cisolok Palabuhanratu. The fish was processed according to pindang badeng method (20% salt added, boiled for 8 hours). The product then stored at room temperature and observed for 0,8,16,24 and 32 hours. Analysis were conducted through chemical (histamine and TVB) and microbiological test (TPC, identification of bacteria, histamine levels in bacteria). The results showed that the stored pindang for 32 hours can reactivate the production of histamine and increase their levels significantly. This is consistent with the increase on the value of TVB and TPC in pindang products. Six types of histamine-forming bacteria found on pindang tuna that are P. vulgaris, H. alvei, M. Morganii, E. aerogenes, K. oxytoca, K. pneumoniae. Activity test results showed that K. pneumoniae and H. alvei form the highest and t...
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