This article discusses the types of female depression in the postnatal period. The factors of the occurrence of postnatal depression are investigated, its symptoms are systematized, the clinical picture of its manifestation is revealed. A woman in the period of postnatal depression feels dissatisfaction with her life, the quality of life changes dramatically, becoming negative. A feeling of helplessness, despair fills all spheres of life. The usual routine is violated, which prevents us from adequately perceiving reality, thinking, and acting. Manifestations of postnatal depression significantly affect not only the woman herself, but also her child, her other children, her husband, i.e. for the whole family. One of the strongest symptoms is also a feeling of social isolation among women who have given birth, loss of life in society, and a feeling that "life passes by." The article also provides recommendations for the prevention of postnatal depression. Recommendations and conclusions can be used in practical work with pregnant and already given birth women, as well as in the process of training social workers.
This study investigated both the risk factors and the protective factors against peer rejection at multiple levels in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and their typically developing peers. Using standard sociometric procedure, we studied the peer rejection of 108 children with ADHD (aged 7 to 12) and their classmates of the same sex and age ( n = 108). Risk factors (i.e., emotional/behavioral difficulties, academic performance, conflicts in the student-teacher relationship, parental rejection) predicted peer rejection in both groups, but the quality of relationships with teachers had a stronger predictive power in children with ADHD. Protective factors at multiple levels: individual ( extracurricular activity), family ( parental warmth and family social support), social ( school social support and friendship), compensated for all the risks of peer rejection in children with ADHD. However, the effect of prosocial behavior was insignificant after controlling for emotional/behavioral problems. Only school social support and friendship moderated the relationship between rejection and the risk factors in children with ADHD. Compensatory and moderating effects of all factors were found in the comparison group. Prevention and intervention of the peer rejection of children with ADHD should be focused on multiple levels of factors, especially social ones.
От но ше ния меж ду учи те лем и уче ни ком окaзывaют знaчи тель ное влия ние нa ког ни тив ное, эмо ци онaльное и со циaльное рaзви тие де тей, осо бен но в млaдшем школь ном возрaсте. Поэтому нaукa и прaктикa нуждaют ся в инс тру ментaх точ но го из ме ре ния кaчествa этих от но ше ний. В нaстоящее вре мя ши ро ко ис поль зует ся оп рос ник Student-Teacher Relationship Scale-Short Form (Robert Pianta). Цель нaше го исс ле довa ния-пе ре вод и из ме ре ние пси хо мет ри чес ких свой ств опрос никa в со циокуль турных ус ло виях Кaзaхстaнa. Для изу че ния нaдеж нос ти и вaлид нос ти оп росникa про ве де но эм пи ри чес кое исс ле довa ние с учaстием 21 учи те ля нaчaль ных клaссов го родa Алмaты. Кaждый учи тель зaпол нил оп рос ник нa 4 учaщих ся (84 блaнкa). Де ти бы ли выбрaны исс ле довaте лем ме то дом рaндо мизaции (2 мaль чикa и 2 де воч ки од но го возрaстa). Ре зуль тaты покaзaли хо ро ший уро вень внут рен ней соглaсовaннос ти по шкaле «Конф ликт»-.81, шкaле «Близос ть»-.82. Выяв ленa двухфaкторнaя мо дель оп рос никa, кaк и в ори гинaль ной вер сии, что подтверждaет его вaлид ность. Дaнный оп рос ник имеет боль шое прaкти чес кое знaче ния для из ме рения от но ше ний уче ник-учи тель, яв ляющих ся вaжным кон текс том рaзви тия и aдaптaции де тей. Тaкже он мо жет выс ту пить инс тру мен том оцен ки эф фек тив нос ти ин тер вен ций в рaбо те с детьми, имеющи ми риск по ве ден чес ких проб лем. Клю че вые словa: от но ше ния уче ник-учи тель, бли зос ть, конф ликт, внут рен няя соглaсовaннос ть, фaктор ный aнaлиз.
This article is aimed at identifying, systematizing and analyzing the causes of postnatal depression in women. Despite the seeming limitations, this is a rather serious problem of a socio-psychological nature. Indeed, the manifestations of postnatal depression significantly affect not only the woman herself, but also her child, her other children, her husband, i.e. for the whole family. The feeling of social isolation in women who gave birth is very sharply reflected in her psyche, especially among successful women.
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