Subject. This article discusses the expansion of the use of digital technologies. Objectives. The article aims to develop a comprehensive methodology for assessing the level of digitalization of regional economic systems. Methods. For the study, we used a structural analysis. Results. The article proposes to assess the digitalization of the regional economy and the development prospects using a predictive and diagnostic system. Conclusions. The article concludes that it is necessary to assess the degree of digitalization of economic subsystems and level the digital divide between them.
Ключові слова: система укріплень, фортеця Тягин, археологічні дослідження, фортифікаційна лінія, Північне Причорномор’я. Анотація Історико-археологічне вивчення маловідомого періоду перебування українських земель у складі Великого князівства Литовського і Руського : розбудови фортець, організації транснаціональної торгівлі, матеріальної культури є актуальним завданням сучасного етапу наукових досліджень. Завдяки археологічним розкопкам останніх 2016-2021рр. зроблені видатні відкриття у галузі вивчення комплексу пам’яток Південної фортифікаційної лінії, які засвідчують наявність спільної історичної спадщини Литви і України у Північному Причорномор’ї. У статті показано, що дослідження 2016-2021 рр. довели надзвичайну важливість вивчення археологічних пам’яток українських земель доби середньовіччя у Північному Причорномор’ї. 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The study of fortresses on the territory of the Kyiv area in the Lithuanian period is one of the actual tasks of the formation of a new look on the Ukrainian history. As it is known it was the stage of the castell tower system of fortification, taking not only defense, but social and political, economic position, status of administrative centers and places of living of the social elite. In the course of the Lithuanian period, the following stages of the development of system of castell constructing are fixed: At the end of 14th — at the beginning of 15th century the castell tower system of fortification had been formed; On the second stage at the middle of 15th — in the second half of 16th century — the period of adaptation of the castell tower system to the artillery and the appearance of the system of basteja. In the Kyiv area two types of fortress constructing were fixed. The North and central parts of the area: the continuation of Old Rus traditions of the fortification on the base of wooden and earth constructions with two or three flour wooden towers. The transmission to the arm stage on the base of artillery took place. Planning structure: triangle and rectangular forms. On the South — the transition to the stone tower system, fortificated with wooden-earth constructions and stone counterforts, two or three flour towers, distribution of European types artillery. Planning structure: triangle and rectangular forms. For example: the Kyiv Castle which became the center of statehood in the time of Vladimir Olgerdovich; the system of castles in the rest of the territory; the creation of the fortification system of the South by Prince Vytautas, which facilitated trade in Europe from Krakow to the Black Sea coast and composition of the new federal state.
The important role in the history of Ukrainian lands belong to the North Pontic Area. Last decades the revision of old position from one side and the growing of the attention towards the problems of this region take place. The beginning of own ethnical development of Slavs tribes, known by «Ants» name or «Okrainni» by Indo-Iranian language. On the next stage of history, the tribes of Russ chronicle: Ulichi and Tyvertsy settled on Black Sea region. Colonization of this area by the Slavs lasted through more than 500 years, which created the fundamental ethnical base of autochthone population. With formation of Kyiv Russ the North Black Sea area take the important place in political, economic, ethno cultural and trade fields of the new country. The numerous settlements fixed on the Lower Dnieper and other rivers in spite of numerous nomadic tribes: every society occupy the own part of the landscape in connection from their economic type. In the of Post Kyiv Russ and Lithuanian-Russ federation, the South Russ principalities preserved their traditions and continue the progressive development. At the end of the XIV — at the beginning of XV centuries the new fortification line built under the chief of the Great Prince Vitovt in the North Black Sea Area, which opened the new stage of fortification: stone fortresses. The brilliant example of this kind is the first stone fortress Tyagin of the South part of the Lithuanian-Russ principality, as a part of the early Ukraine. In the time of Crimean-Ottoman administration in region, the Christiania autochthone population with Ukrainian part also, continue to live in the North Black sea area and became the region of Cossack colonization. The artefacts of Ukrainian culture founded in the course of the archaeological excavation (Akkerman, Ochakiv) even in the Ottoman fortresses. The anthropological investigations support the existence of great part of the settled population, which take the considerable morphological contacts with Ukrainians of the South, Central and West regions of the XVII—XIX centuries. The important factor of the living of Christian population, including Ukrainians, was the existence and activity of the Brailiv metropolis of the Konstantinopol patriarchate in the middle of the XVI—XIX cent., which escape the large area from Braila to Tyagin. The archaeological investigation of the South Ukraine increase the possibility of the knowledge of the Ukrainian history from the new modern position.
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