The Allchar Au-As-Sb-Tl deposit is situated in the western part of the Vardar zone, the main suture zone along the contact between the Adriatic and the Eurasian tectonic plates. It is spatially and temporally associated with a Pliocene (~5 Ma) postcollisional high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic volcano-plutonic center. The Allchar deposit shares many distinctive features with Carlin-type gold deposits in Nevada, including its location near a terrain-bounding fault in an area of low-magnitude extension and intense magmatism. The mineralization is mostly hosted in calcareous sedimentary rocks at intersections of high-angle faults in permeable stratigraphy. The alteration types (carbonate dissolution, silici cation, and argillization), ore mineralogy (auriferous arsenian pyrite and marcasite, stibnite, realgar, orpiment, and lorandite), high Au/Ag ratios, and low base metal contents are also typical of Carlin-type gold deposits in Nevada. However, the Allchar deposit differs from Nevada Carlin-type gold deposits as follows: it is an isolated Au prospect with a close spatial and temporal relationship to a shoshonitic volcano-plutonic center in a mineral belt dominated by intrusion-related Cu-Au porphyry, skarn, and hydrothermal polymetallic deposits. The deposit is clearly zoned (proximal Au-Sb to distal As-Tl), it has a signi cantly higher Tl content, trace elements in pyrite and marcasite are homogeneously distributed, and synore dolomitization is a widespread alteration type. Gold mineralization is most abundant in the southern part of the deposit. It occurs mostly as invisible Au in disseminated pyrite or marcasite and as rare native Au grains. Gold mineralization is accompanied by intense decarbonatization and silici cation. Fluid inclusions and the hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblage indicate that Au was deposited from hot (>200°C), saline (up to ~21 wt % NaCl equiv), moderately acidic (pH <5) uids that carried traces of magmatic H2S and CO2. In the calcareous host rocks, mixing of such uids with cool, dilute, near-neutral groundwater triggered deposition of Au and Fe sul des. In Tertiary tuff, isocon analysis shows that sul dation of preexisting Fe minerals was a critical factor for deposition of Au and Fe sul des. Antimony mineralization prevails in the central part of the deposit, and it is mostly associated with dark-gray to black jasperoid. Stibnite, the most common Sb mineral in the Allchar deposit, occurs as ne-grained disseminations in jasperoid and as ne-to coarsely crystalline masses that ll vugs and fracture zones lined with drusy quartz. Fluid inclusions entrapped by stibnite-bearing jasperoid, quartz, and calcite crystals suggest that stibnite was deposited from more dilute and cooled uids (aqueous-carbonic uid inclusions: 6.0-3.5 wt % NaCl equiv, TH = 102°-125°C; aqueous uid inclusions: 14.5 and 17.1 wt % NaCl equiv, TH = 120°-165°C). In contrast to stibnite, As sul des (orpiment and realgar) and Tl mineralization are associated with argillic alteration. Fluid inclusions hosted by realgar, ...