Abstrucf-Tbis paper proposes a Dynamic Opthal PowerFlow @OPQ framework to assist the implementation of consumer participation programs aimed at mitigating the effects of critical operating conditions on the quality of power supply. The proposed DOPF-based tool allows the representation of consumer operating constraints and provides important subsidies to the implementation of consumer participation programs, such as the proper selection of the loads to be reduced and the corresponding reduction of MW/MVAr consumption required to alleviate the abovementioned effects. The explicit representation of transmission losses and reactive power flows into the problem formulation enhances the ability of the DOPF tool to devise adequate demand participation strategies. The application of the proposed method to implement demand participation programs is illustrated through its application to two test systems, including a realistic system based on the power network of a Southern Brazil power utility. Index Ternas4onsumer participation; Priceresponsive loads; Price4asticity of demand; Dynamic optimal power now.Thk work is supported by the R&D Program of Centrais E16tricas de ).
S. S.Pacheco is with Cenirais Elktricas de Santa Catarina S. A., Rodovia sc 404, km 03, 88034-001 Florian6potis, SC, Brazil (e-mail: sergiosp@celesc.combr). VIII. BIOGRAPHIES Antonio Simles Costa (SM' 2002) received his degree in Electrical Engineering h o m Federal University of Pad, Brazil, in 1973, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees !?om Federal University of Sauta Catarina, Brazil, in 1975, and University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1981, respectively, Since 1975 he is with Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, where he is currently a Professor. His research interest are concerned with computer methods for power systems operation and control. Wadaed Uturbey received her degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidad de la RepGblica, Uruguay, in 1991, and the M . S . and Dr. Eng. degree bom Federal University of Santa Cat", Brazil, in 1995 and 2002, respectively. She has been a researcher at the Power System Group of the Federal iJn;verSity of Santa Catarina, Brazil until July 2004, and is currently with the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Her research interests include methods for power systems operation and optimization. Sandra Nakrnlshi received her degree in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in 2W4. She is currently working towards her Master's degree at the same University. Her research interests are concerned w i t h Optimal Power Flow applications to assist consumer participation program. Alexandre De Marco received his degree in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in 2001, and the M,Sc. degrees at the same University, in 2004. SSrglo dos Santos Pacheco received his degree in Electrical Engineering h m Federal University of Santa Camha, Bmzil, in 1983. He has been with Centrais Eldtricas de Santa Catarina -CELESC €or over 20 years. His professional act...