This study selected 582 senior citizens who used 6 senior welfare centers in 7 districts, Daegu and analyzed questionnaires for them from January 9 through June 5, 2013 in order to look into their subjective oral health, social efficacy and quality of life according to their subjective cognition of oral health and their quality of life related to oral health according to sociodemographic characteristics and drew the following conclusions: Sex was statistically significant in toothache and xerostomia; age, in oral health, dysmasesis, toothache, periodontal complications and xerostomia; the level of education, in oral health, dysmasesis, toothache and periodontal complications; and the number of family members living together, in dysmasesis, toothache, periodontal complications, xerostomia and halitosis. Their responses to the question about their social efficacy according to oral health included: 'My oral health is not good' 3.11 points; and 'My jaw crackles or hurts' 1.99 points. In social efficacy according to their cognition of oral health, their health was 2.05 points while in the quality of life, their health was 3.41 points. In the scores of the quality of life related to oral health, for their health, functional limitation was 2.13 points; physical pain, 2.53; psychological discomfort, 2.17; physical limitation, 2.31; degradation of psychological ability, 2.06; degradation of social ability, 1.81; and social disadvantage, 1.99. In sum, it is judged that senior citizens' quality of life as well as their oral health will be enhanced when active seeking for plans to prevent the progress of oral diseases is sufficiently considered through continuously providing oral health education for the promotion of geriatric oral health and developing preventive programs.