Functional products are currently attracting a lot of research interest. Modern people’s diet does not satisfy
their need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and functional products can make it more balanced. In particular, our
diet is lacking in protein. This paper discusses the prospects for enriching dairy products with plant protein derived
from pine nuts and their products. Pine nut paste, fat-free milk, and oil cake are a valuable source of fatty acids,
vitamins, and microelements. The protein, lipid, vitamin, and mineral content of these products makes them suitable
for combining with milk. Their water-holding and fat-emulsifying capacities allow their use as stabilizers and
emulsifiers. Siberian pine nuts grow wild in the Kemerovo Region, which makes their use as a raw material
economically feasible. The article introduces a number of functional dairy products enriched with pine nut products,
such as cheese, ice cream, and cottage cheese. Further, it describes the production process and the products’
nutritional value. The chemical composition of new types of dairy products shows that using pine nut oil cake,
fat-free flour, paste, and oil enriches them with plant proteins, vegetable fats, vitamins as well as macro- and
microelements. Replacing dairy raw materials with plants does not reduce the nutritional value of new dairy
products. Dairy foods are rich in protein, fat, and minerals. The vitamin content of new dairy products with
functional ingredients is similar to that of dairy-based products. Moreover, using functional products (pine nut oil
cake, fat-free flour, paste, and oil) enriches new types of dairy products with tocopherols.