Reid, R. C.; Prausnltz, J. M.; Sherwood, T. K. "The Properties of Gases and Stlel, L. I.; Thodos. G. AIChE J . 1964, 10, 26-29. Tanaka, Y.; Noguchi, M.; Kubota, H.; Makita, T. J . Chem. fng. Jpn. 1979, Touloukian, Y. S.; Liley, P. E.; Saxena, S. C. "Thermal Conductivity, Non-149-160. MISIC, D.; tho do^, G. AIChf J . 1965. 11, 650-656. MISIC, D.; Thodos, G. t ' h y~i~a 1966, 32, 885-899. Liquids", 3rd ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York, 1977; pp 629-665. 12, 171-176. metallic Liquids and Gases, Thermophysicai Properties of Matter"; IFI, Plenum Press: New York, 1970; Voi. 3. Tsederberg, N. V. "Thermal Conductivity of Gases and Liquids"; The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA 1963. Tufeu, R.; Le Neindre, 8.; Bury, P. fhysica, 1969, 4 4 , 81-85. The thermal conductivities of blnary gases (N2-02, N,-Ar, C0,-Ar, C0,-CH,) have been measured at temperatures from 25 to 35 OC and under pressures up to 90 bar. The measurements were carried out with a vertical coaxial cylindrical cell. The uncertainty of the data is estimated to be within 3 % . The experimental results were compared with the values calculated by the Wassiljewa equation, in which the Mason-Saxena equation was used as a combination factor, and with values predicted by the Stlel-Thodos equation extended to binary gas mixtures. Both methods were found to represent the experimental results within a maximum deviation of 5 % . The uniformity of flow rates among the parallel tubes of a piping manifold is governed by the variations in fluid pressure inside the entrance and discharge headers. These result from fluid friction and from loss or gain of fluid momentum at exit and entrance ports. Using hydraulic flow coefficients derived from experiments, a theory for the distribution of velocities is developed for turbulent flow In manifolds having cylindrical headers of equal diameter. The results are confirmed by experiment and are used in two design examples.