Aim:The genus Astyanax is one of the richest in number of species and has one of the widest geographical distributions in Argentina, being possible to find in nine ichthyogeographic ecoregions. The aim of the present work was to analyze the population structure of Astyanax fasciatus in the Garupá Stream, Province of Misiones, Argentina, considering its distribution by size, standard length-total weight relationship and aspects of its reproductive and feeding biology; Methods: A total of eight experimental fishing campaigns were carried out between September 2002 and May 2004, in agreement with the seasons of the year, using a set of gillnets; Results: We captured a total of 386 individuals, 70% of which in the Middle Basin in autumn and winter. The following gonad stages were identified in both males and females: resting, maturing, mature and spawning. The highest gonadal activity corresponded to the autumn-winter period. The Middle Basin showed the highest capture of individuals in reproductive activity, thus reflecting the seasonality of spawning. The average fecundity was of 4000 oocytes, being 1100 μm the largest oocyte diameter. The mean standard length of the total catch was 99.3 mm and females reached larger sizes than males (P < 0.05). The standard length varied according to the seasons of the year. Both sexes presented an isometric growth (b = 3). Females presented the highest values of K in spring and summer, whereas males did so in spring. The K-GSI relationship reflected that the highest K values corresponded to the lowest GSI ones. We found that A. fasciatus feeds on a wide variety of foods of both plant and animal origin. The food items of plant origin presented the highest index of occurrence; Conclusions: The long spawning seasons and the recruitment along all four seasons of the year allow characterizing A. fasciatus as a foraging species that is very well adapted to the environment studied in this work.Keywords: Astyanax fasciatus, population, reproduction, feeding, Garupa Stream.Resumo: Objetivo: O gênero Astyanax é um dos mais ricos em número de espécies e tem uma das maiores distribuições geográficas na Argentina, sendo possível encontrar em nove ecorregiões ictiogeográfica. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a estrutura populacional de Astyanax fasciatus no arroio Garupá, Província de Misiones, na Argentina, considerando a sua distribuição por tamanho, relação peso-padrão de comprimento total e aspectos de sua biologia reprodutiva e alimentação; Métodos: Foram realizadas oito operações de pescaria sazonais, entre setembro de 2002 e maio de 2004, com uma bateria de redes de emalhar; Resultados: Foram capturados 386 indivíduos, 70% na Bacia Média no outono e inverno. Foram identificadas as seguintes etapas de maduração gonadal em ambos os sexos: repouso, maturação, maduro e desova. A maior atividade gonadal correspondeu ao período de outono-inverno. A Bacia do Médio apresentou a maior captura de indivíduos em atividade reprodutiva, refletindo a sazonalidade da desova. À fe...