An important condition for the performance sustainability of organizations, in the public and state sector, is the maintenance and improvement of the employee motivation policy model. Motivation for work has a significant impact on the success of modern organizations; the impact is multidimensional and complex, and it has been confirmed empirically. Motivation is influenced by numerous factors, of different influence and hierarchy, which depend on socio-economic conditions and cultural determinants, but also on the characteristics of employees, and it is necessary to constantly monitor them. The paper presents a sustainable model of employee motivation in public administration and the results of research on the hierarchy and the impact of motivation factors on employees of different demographic characteristics. The research was conducted by an anonymous survey of 2128 respondents (1576 employees in the state administration and 552 persons employed in the Republic of Serbia outside the state administration), in the period March–June 2020. The questionnaire developed for this research has 16 questions on motivating factors with a scale with a high level of internal consistency. Using one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), tests of subsequent comparisons, and t-test, statistically significant differences are determined for the influence of motivational factors on respondents of different levels of education, age, role in organization, gender, and family status—also, the magnitude of influence ranges from small to large. The influence of motivational factors is greater for older people, for people with a higher level of education, for managers in relation to workers, for women in relation to men, as well as for persons in marriage in relation to persons out of wedlock. By applying multi-criteria analysis, the factors are ranked: the amount of salary and good interpersonal relations are at the top, while criticism and information about work are in the last positions. As a factor that negatively affects motivation, low wages stands out. The difference in the motivation of state administration members was determined by comparing the results of motivational factors’ influence with the appropriate sample of employees outside the state administration. Differences were registered for 15 out of 16 factors (only for the factor high wages, there is no difference), and the magnitude of the impact is medium and small.
odbrane u Beogradu, Vojna akademija Bojan Kuzmanović Generalštab Vojske Srbije otivacija je od izuzetnog značaja u organizacijama posebne namene kakva je vojska. U Vojsci Srbije, u cilju podizanja nivoa motivisanosti njenih pripadnika ustanovljen je i normativno uređen sistem dodele stimulativnih mera (nagrada). Njime su utvrđeni vrste i način dodele nagrada.Praksa je pokazala da dosledna primena propisanih odredbi može da ima značajan uticaj na motivaciju pripadnika Vojske Srbije. Dosledna primena podrazumeva objektivan, jasan i transparentno realizovan proces dodele nagrada i ispoljava jako motivaciono dejstvo na sve pripadnike organizacije. Međutim, određena iskustvena opažanja ukazuju na pojavu da nivo uticaja dodele nagrada u poslednjem periodu nije adekvatan i da ne doprinosi značajno dostizanju željenog nivoa motisanosti pojedinaca i kolektiva. Razlozi za to mogu biti brojni, a cilj našeg rada bio je da identifikujemo neke od bitnh razloga.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja stavova 393 profesionalna pripadnika Vojske Srbije o motivacionom uticaju stimulativnih mera. Podaci su prikupljeni ispitivanjem stavova o uticaju dodele stimulativnih mera na motivaciju za rad, uticaju stimulativnih mera na motivaciju za rad i radne rezultate u organizaciji, stavova o načinu dodele i o zasluženosti dodeljenih stimulativnih mera. Takođe je utvrđena i prikazana rang lista stimulativnih mera (nagrada) u Vojsci Srbije, kao i razlike u rangiranju stimulativnih mera i razlike u stavovima različitih grupa ispitanika (oficir-podoficir, visoka-srednja stručna sprema, rukovodioci-izvršioci) čije je postojanje utvrđeno primenom Opštenaučne statističke metode i njoj bliskih instrumenata. Ključne reči: motivacija, motivacija za rad, stimulativne mere, rangiranje Uvod načaj pokretačke snage za razvoj čoveka i svih njegovih delatnosti je veliki. U njenom nedostatku intelektualni i fizički kapaciteti čoveka mogu ostati neiskorišćeni. U cilju zadovoljenja identifikovanih ljudskih potreba dolazi do aktivacije unutrašnjih ili spoljnih podsticaja od kojih zavisi upotreba raspoložive energije i trajanje aktivnosti.
Motivation for work is crucial for the success of modern organizations. Factors that influence the motivation for work are numerous, and their importance is changing. The hierarchy of motivational factors was researched in different time frames and different cultures. In addition the influence of individual characteristics of employees has also been researched. The paper presents a survey of attitudes about the influence of the above mentioned factors on motivation for the work of professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces. The data were collected by anonymous survey of a suitable sample of 1929 members of the Serbian Army during 2010, 2018 and 2020. The questionnaire developed for research consists of a scale of 18 and 16 motivational factors. The 18item scale has a high level of internal consistency (a =0.909/N1) as well as the 16-item scale (a=0.877/N2) and (a=0.829/N3). According to the study results, the hierarchy of motivational factors was constructed: 1) Love for work, 2) Interesting work, 3) Good interpersonal relations, 4) Correct attitude of the manager, 5) Self-affirmation, 6) Success in work, 7) Security of employment, 8) Information sharing, 9) Responsible work, 10) Taking part in decision making, 11) Fair distribution of work, 12) Salary level, 13) Receiving praises, 14) Independence, 15) Possibility for postgraduate training, 16) Awards, 17) Delegation of power, and 18) Criticism. The significance of the money that can be empirically experienced, is not fully proven because the amount of salary is at the 12th position. Results from 2018 and 2020 differ slightly from those gathered in 2010, in terms of hierarchy of the motivational factors and their motivational potential. Noticeable was the decrease in importance of the "interesting job" factor (1/7), as well as the increase for the factor "salary amount" (8/4) and "independence"(9/2). The use of single-factor variance analysis (ANOVA), post hoc test and t-test showed statistically significant differences in the influence of motivational factors on the motivation across different subpopulations of respondents. The size of the impact of the motivational factors on motivation for work increases with the level of postgraduate training, and it is higher in those who are more satisfied with the salary, as well as for the officers in comparison to non-commissioned officers and civilian employees.
The general obligation to do military service in Serbia was introduced in the second half of the 19th century with the national standing army. The authors show that this obligation has played an important role in the development of the Serbian strategic culture in the young modern Serbian state, but also in encouraging the Serbian military and political elite to hear the "whisper" of the Serbian social character and understand those structures of national culture that are important, perhaps determinative, for what is today called strategic culture. The development of the Serbian strategic culture has been considered through the analysis of the actions of two differently directed, but complementary currents, one being marked as elitist, and the other one as structuralist. Regardless of the obvious differences, both currents are important for the establishment of the Serbian military doctrine, at the dawn of the 20th century, before the historical storm of the Balkan wars and the First World War. The obligation to do military service was maintained until the Decision on the suspension of the obligation to do military service, which was passed by the National Assembly in December 2010. Having in mind that the Republic of Serbia has made the decision to be military neutral, the authors suggest that the reconsideration of the decision to suspend the obligation to do military service is a logical consequence of this choice. The decision on military neutrality requires not only that others (the international community) respect such a decision of a state, but also the respect within the state itself. This means that a state that aspires to neutrality does not give up on defending its own values or handing them over to the others at the mercy and/or protection, but establishes (or preserves) the ability to credibly defend its identity and values. The burden of the consequences of this decision is even harder because it does not count on military alliances. The neutral countries in Europe base their ability of credible defense mainly on the concept of total defense, but it also implies a large number of citizens trained for the military tasks and the tasks of civil protection, which calls for the obligation to do military service. At the same time, military service is the best way for citizens to understand the impact of the decision on military neutrality, but also to accept it as their own free choice and a part of a collective identity. Thus, the obligation to do military service remains an important fulcrum point of the state in actively shaping its strategic culture.
Стратешка култура и неутралност 257 литика. По његовом мишљењу, дакле, модеран човек подлеже политици као што је некада подлегао судбини. Као да наставља овај давно започети разговор, Ђуро Шушњић додаје: "Верујем да се свет окреће од политике као судбине и увиђам да је култура његова судбина". 1 Ово Шушњићево уверење почива на претпоставци да културне структуре, формиране током многих векова, леже на већим дубинама стварности у односу на друштвене (политичке, економске, правне, војне, итд.), и битно утичу на друштвене процесе и творевине, понекад упркос (површној) савремености. Култура делује из дубине, а истина је у дубини, како нас учи Демокрит. 2 Заиста, неспорно је да у свету који (настојимо да) познајемо, постоје мање или више изражене нијансе културне детерминације различитих друштвених појава. "Ни један социјални или политички споразум не може да учини више него да потпомогне или да осујети остварење извесних вредности и идеја", тврди Ерих Фром. 3 Отуда су у савременим друштвеним наукама јасна стремљења да се идентификују и разумеју ови културни утицаји. 4 Захваљујући пространости политичке сфере и ширењу поља безбедности и одбране у последњих неколико деценија, као и постојању њиховог својеврсног одсјаја на другим друштвеним појавама, разумевање културних утицаја на политику, безбедност и одбрану јавља се као нарочито значајно. Истину говорећи, није реч о првом или потпуно новом интересовању, пошто су и у минулим ратовима постојале битне разлике између појединачних друштава/култура -нпр. у нивоу спремности да прихвате рат као начин одлучивања победника у до крајности напетом друштвеном сукобу, затим у формулисању и спровођењу стратегија, начину вођења оружане борбе, тактичким поступцима, избору и употреби наоружања и, нарочито, борбеном моралу -које се могу објаснити као последице културних разлика. Војска и рат су онај специјални орган, и она специјална функција помоћу које једна виша култура побеђује другу нижу, приметио је славни војвода Мишић. 5 Уочавање ових разлика, схватање њиховог значаја и функција утицало је на развој антропологије на терену и употребу њених знања у војне сврхе 6 , али и на промишљање улоге коју друштвени карактери, културни обрасци и колективни идентитети имају у ратовању, које је добило свој теоријски облик у многим значајним делима ратне вештине. 7 1 Đuro Šušnjić, Teorije kulture, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2015, стр. 9. 2 Иво Андрић пише: "Узалудно је и погрешно тражити смисао у безначајним, а привидно тако важним догађајима који се дешавају око нас, него га треба тражити у оним наслагама које столећа стварају око неколико главних легенди човечанства. Те наслаге стално, иако све мање верно, понављају облик оног зрнца истине око којег се слажу, и тако га преносе кроз столећа... Има неколико основних легенди човечанства које показују, или бар осветљавају пут који смо превалили, ако не и циљ којем идемо.
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